Iratxo - La Madrugada - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

La Madrugada - IratxoÜbersetzung ins Englische

La Madrugada
The Dawn
Ya ves como se cae la madruga, como se limpia la cara de barro,
You see how the dawn is falling, how it cleans its muddy face,
Y mas puta que nunca nos manda al carajo, que ya no quiere saber de ti,
And more whore than ever, tells us to fuck off, that it doesn't want to know about you anymore,
Que ya no quiere saber de mi,
That it doesn't want to know about me anymore,
Se marcha tan ciega, que me den por el culo por querer ser poeta,
It leaves so blindly, that they can fuck me in the ass for wanting to be a poet,
Por afilarme la lengua mientras me come la boca,
For sharpening my tongue as it eats my mouth,
Por que yo me dejaba remendar, que no seria por no querer,
Because I let myself be patched up, it wasn't for want of trying,
Fue mas bien por entender,
It was more to understand,
Que no queria saber de mi, que no queria saber de ti,
That she didn't want to know about me, that she didn't want to know about you,
Arremangando la falda que los vientos vienen fuerte,
Rolling up its skirt as the winds come strong,
Asintiendo a sea lo que sea no vaya a ser que deje de ser,
Nodding to whatever it may be, lest it cease to be,
Despojando de su costra las heridas pa que nunca se cierren,
Stripping the scabs from its wounds so they never heal,
Y un colchon de pinchos que inyecte en la madruga, el amanecer,
And a bed of thorns that injects the dawn into the dawn,
Ya ves no se paraba a descansar, se iba durmiendo en los agujeros,
You see, it didn't stop to rest, it went to sleep in the holes,
Bebimos la sabia ni dejamos los huesos, que ya no quiere recordar,
We drank the sap and left the bones, that it no longer wants to remember,
Que ya no quiere volver atrás,
That it never wants to go back,
Se quedo en su perrera, por que le den por el culo por estar siempre alerta,
She stayed in her kennel, because they can fuck her in the ass for always being alert,
Por llevarte los miedos siempre acuestas,
For always carrying your fears,
Porque, yo ya empezaba a disfrutar, que fracaso sabia bien,
Because, I was starting to enjoy it, that failure tasted good,
Si lo dejabas de querer siendo solo casualidad, siendo solo casualidad,
If you stopped wanting it, being just a coincidence, just a coincidence,
Que no quiere sabr de mi, que no quiere saber,
That she doesn't want to know about me, that she doesn't want to know,
Arremangando la falda que los vientos vienen fuerte,
Rolling up her skirt as the winds come strong,
Asintiendo a sea lo que sea no vaya a ser que deje de ser,
Nodding to whatever it may be, lest it cease to be,
Despojando de su costra las heridas pa que nunca se cierren,
Stripping the scabs from its wounds so they never heal,
Y un colchon de pinchos que inyecte en la madruga, el amanecer
And a bed of thorns that injects the dawn into the dawn

Autoren: Juan Manuel Cifuentes Piñeiro

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