Ivan - Soñarte - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Soñarte - IvanÜbersetzung ins Englische

Dream of You
Acabo de soñarte una vez mas tendida junto a mi jugando con mi piel, acariciandome mirandome diciendome, te quiero.
I've just dreamt of you once again, lying beside me, playing with my skin, caressing me, looking at me, telling me, I love you.
Y yo edificaba sin parar castillos de papel pensando solo en ti, acariciandote besandote gritandote, te quiero
And I kept building castles in the air, thinking of you, caressing you, kissing you, screaming at you, I love you.
Y desperte y vi que en mi ventana lentamente amanecia el dia,
I woke up to see daylight breaking slowly through my window,
Te imagine y quise contruir aquel momento cuando fuiste mia
I thought of you and wanted to recreate that moment when you were mine.
Y te ame y el blanco de mi almohada profane pensando solo en ti
And I loved you and defiled the white of my pillow, thinking only of you.
Acabo de soñarte una vez mas pensando en volver de nuevo junto a mi y recorrer mi piel un dia mas diciendome te quiero
I've just dreamt of you once again, thinking of coming back to me and tracing my skin one more day, telling me, I love you.
Y desperte y vi que en mi ventana lentamente amanecia el dia
I woke up to see daylight breaking slowly through my window.
Te imagine y quise construir aquel momento cuando fuiste mia
I thought of you and wanted to recreate that moment when you were mine.
Y te ame y el blanco de mi almohada profane pensado solo en ti.
And I loved you and defiled the white of my pillow, thinking only of you.
Y desperte y vi que en mi ventana lentamente amanecia el dia
I woke up to see daylight breaking slowly through my window.
Te imagine y quise construir aquel momento cuando fuiste mia
I thought of you and wanted to recreate that moment when you were mine.
Y te ame y el blanco de mi almohada profane pensando solo en ti.
And I loved you and defiled the white of my pillow, thinking only of you.

Autoren: Perales Morillas Jose Luis

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