Iwan Fals - Diet - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Diet - Iwan FalsÜbersetzung ins Englische

Susahnya menghadapi godaan
How difficult to face the temptation
Mencium harum lezat makanan
Kissing the delicious aroma of food
Rasanya lidah ingin cicipi
My tongue wants to taste it
Melihat balado kacang dan teri
Seeing the chilli paste with peanuts and anchovies
Kau lupakan semua aturan
You forgot all the rules
Ahli gizi yang tampan
Handsome nutritionist
Resiko soal belakang
The risk of health issues
Asalkan sang perut kenyang
As long as my stomach full
Delapan puluh dua kilogram
Eighty-two kilograms
Mengundang mata untuk memandang
Attracting stares
Menyesal benci pada sang perut
Regretting hating my stomach
Sedangkan lapar terus menuntut
While hunger persists
Jikalau engkau sadar
If you realize
Nafsu makan dilawan
The appetite is fought
Bangun tidur pagi buta
Waking up at dawn
Lincahnya senam irama
Exercising rhythmically
Seminggu engkau jalani
For a week you do
Nasehat sang ahli gizi
The nutritionist's advice
Namun tak lama berselang
But not much later
Godaan goyahkan iman
Temptation weakens faith
Majalah yang sedang engkau baca
The magazine you were reading
Tawarkan resep gulai buaya
Offers a recipe for crocodile stew
Nikmatnya engkau lama berhayal
Imagining its deliciousness
Tak tahan kau makan tanpa sesal
Unable to resist, you eat without regret

Autoren: Iwan Fals, Bagoes Aa

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