JASMINE - Hallelujah - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Hallelujah - JASMINEÜbersetzung ins Englische

泣くもんかって 言っては
Don't cry, you said.
But in your arms I cried.
知らぬ間に 眠ってた
In a moment, I fell asleep.
In my despair, I clung to you.
My days were filled with fear.
You made me forget it all.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry.
その優しさを ウザがって心配させたり
I took your kindness for granted and worried you.
It's my story
It's my story.
だけど今は 明日に向かって進んでるから
But now I'm facing tomorrow.
信じてて お願い! 必ず手にするよ
Believe in me, please! I will succeed.
感じてて お願い! どんな遠くにいても
Feel me, please! No matter how far away I am,
Shout for Joy 聞こえるよ
Shout for Joy, I can hear you.
Shout for Joy 伝わるよ
Shout for Joy, it reaches me.
Shout for Joy Hallelujah
Shout for Joy, Hallelujah.
We were both awkward,
And hurt each other.
I was lonely and hurt.
Now I realize,
How much I was loved.
気付かず 過ごしたこと
I didn't appreciate it then,
I miss you
I miss you.
本当は今すぐ 君の胸にすがりつきたい
I want to run to you now and hold you.
Promise you
Promise you,
だけど今は 選んだ道を裏切れない
But I can't turn back now.
信じてて お願い! きっと迎えにゆくよ
Believe in me, please! I will come back for you.
感じてて お願い! 困難にふさがれても
Feel me, please! Even if we face hardship,
Shout for Joy 聞こえるよ
Shout for Joy, I can hear you.
Shout for Joy 伝わるよ
Shout for Joy, it reaches me.
Shout for Joy Hallelujah
Shout for Joy, Hallelujah.
Everyone has their own Story,
The memories we've made,
Let's believe in what lies ahead
So we'll never be apart again,
So we'll never lose each other,
Sing it with me!
信じてて お願い! 必ず手にするよ
Believe in me, please! I will succeed.
感じてて お願い! どんな遠くにいても
Feel me, please! No matter how far away I am,
Shout for Joy 聞こえるよ
Shout for Joy, I can hear you.
Shout for Joy 伝わるよ
Shout for Joy, it reaches me.
Shout for Joy Hallelujah
Shout for Joy, Hallelujah.
Shout for Joy
Shout for Joy
Shout for Joy
Shout for Joy
Shout for Joy Hallelujah
Shout for Joy, Hallelujah.

Autoren: Tomokazu Matsuzawa, Jasmine, jasmine, tomokazu matsuzawa

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