KB - 我是肥仔 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

我是肥仔 - KBÜbersetzung ins Englische

I Am A Fat Guy
天生脂肪多最鍾意食 七餐一宿都冇乜缺少
I was born with a lot of fat and I love to eat a lot. I eat seven meals a day and I never miss a snack.
I'm so fat and chubby and I love to laugh.
餐餐家鄉雞有乜過份 Tea Time整多碗半筋腩粉
I eat fried chicken every day and I love to eat beef tendon noodles.
人長期食又瞓 夢境都香噴噴
I eat and sleep all day long and I have sweet dreams.
人肥咗 驚鬼佢有咩照食
I'm so fat that I'm not afraid of ghosts. I eat whatever I want.
有益身心 有安多芬
It's good for my body and mind. It gives me endorphins.
I don't care how many kilos I weigh.
肥仔 先顯得我靚仔
Being fat makes me handsome.
肥妹 天生姿勢最好睇
Being fat makes girls look better.
It's like a motorcycle, it's the best.
I know some friends who are called:
肥威 都追到靚女仔
Fat Wai, who can chase after beautiful girls.
肥禧 乜都肯制冇「啷嚟」
Fat Hei, who can control everything and never gets angry.
They are confident and kind, and they always look in the mirror.
Their appearance immediately becomes more beautiful.
吸收脂肪少我即無力 啪包朱古力有番氣息
If I don't eat enough fat, I feel weak. Eating a chocolate bar gives me energy.
長期狂食麥記 做GYM邊驚無氣
I eat McDonald's all the time. I don't worry about not having enough energy when I work out.
三叔咁樣好似身有孕 一身Extra Large我都稱身
I am as big as a pregnant woman. I wear Extra Large and it fits me well.
When a group of us get into a cable car, it reverses.
嗱肥仔 飢荒到有乜照食
Hey, fat boy, if there's a famine, you can eat anything.
見乜生吞 冇得攤分
You eat everything you see, you don't share it with others.
Buffets are the best.
肥仔 先顯得我靚仔
Being fat makes me handsome.
肥妹 天生姿勢最好睇
Being fat makes girls look better.
It's like a motorcycle, it's the best.
I know some friends who are called:
肥威 都追到靚女仔
Fat Wai, who can chase after beautiful girls.
肥禧 乜都肯制冇「啷嚟」
Fat Hei, who can control everything and never gets angry.
They are confident and kind, and they always look in the mirror.
Their appearance immediately becomes more beautiful.
嗱肥仔 叻仔
Hey, fat boy, you're a good boy.
區區幾多噸位 大量通通都冇乜計
You don't care how many tons you weigh.
嗱肥妹 好睇
Hey, fat girl, you're beautiful.
好鬼好鬼盞鬼 又易
You're so beautiful, so funny, and so easy going.

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