Kamelia - Te Rog - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Te Rog - KameliaÜbersetzung ins Englische

Te Rog
I Beg You
As vrea sa te rog
I want to ask you
As vrea sa te rog
I want to ask you
Spune-mi daca ma iubesti
Tell me if you love me
Ma iubesti, ma iubesti
Do you love me, do you love me
Sau vrei doar sa ma ranesti
Or do you just want to hurt me
Ma ranesti, ma ranesti
You hurt me, you hurt me
Fie-ti mila de inima mea
Have mercy on my heart
Te rog sa te gandesti putin la ea
I beg you to think about it for a moment
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
In inima ta se intampla ceva
Something is happening in your heart
Spune-mi ca nu e asa
Tell me it's not so
In inima mea esti doar tu
You are the only one in my heart
Oare sunt eu in a ta
Am I in yours
Hai, spune ceva, spune
Come on, say something, say it
Hai, spune daca simti la fel
Come on, say if you feel the same
As vrea sa-mi spui
I want you to tell me
Baby, no, i'm never gonna let you go
Baby, no, I'm never gonna let you go
Hai, vino langa mine
Come on, come to me
Vino langa mine acum
Come to me now
Strange-ma in brate, spune-mi
Hold me in your arms, tell me
Ai incredere in noi
Trust in us
Hai, spune-mi daca ma iubesti
Come on, tell me if you love me
Ma iubesti, ma iubesti
Do you love me, do you love me
Sau vrei doar sa ma ranesti
Or do you just want to hurt me
Ma ranesti, ma ranesti
You hurt me, you hurt me
Fie-ti mila de inima mea
Have mercy on my heart
Te rog sa te gandesti putin la ea
I beg you to think about it for a moment
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
As vrea sa te rog
I want to ask you
Sa faci cumva, sa vorbesti cu ai tai
To do something, to talk to your parents
Sa ne lase in pace, sa fim doar noi
To leave us in peace, to be just us
Si, daca noi gresim, noi ne certam, noi ne impacam
And if we make a mistake, we fight, we make up
Si, daca apar probleme, probleme, noi le rezolvam
And if problems arise, problems, we will solve them
Impreuna, de mana, cum stim doar noi
Together, hand in hand, as only we know how
Hai, vino langa mine
Come on, come to me
Vino langa mine acum
Come to me now
Strange-ma in brate, spune-mi
Hold me in your arms, tell me
Ai incredere in noi
Trust in us
Hai, spune-mi daca ma iubesti
Come on, tell me if you love me
Ma iubesti, ma iubesti
Do you love me, do you love me
Sau vrei doar sa ma ranesti
Or do you just want to hurt me
Ma ranesti, ma ranesti
You hurt me, you hurt me
Fie-ti mila de inima mea
Have mercy on my heart
Te rog sa te gandesti putin la ea
I beg you to think about it for a moment
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
As vrea sa te rog
I want to ask you
Sa te gandesti putin la tot ce-a fost intre noi
To think for a moment about everything that has been between us
Sa-ti amintesti ce-a fost frumos
To remember what was beautiful
Hai, spune-mi daca ma iubesti
Come on, tell me if you love me
Ma iubesti, ma iubesti
Do you love me, do you love me
Sau vrei doar sa ma ranesti
Or do you just want to hurt me
Ma ranesti, ma ranesti
You hurt me, you hurt me
Fie-ti mila de inima mea
Have mercy on my heart
Te rog sa te gandesti putin la ea
I beg you to think about it for a moment
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you
Te rog, te rog, te rog
I beg you, I beg you, I beg you

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