Magazin - Sudnji Dan - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Sudnji Dan - MagazinÜbersetzung ins Englische

Sudnji Dan
Judgment Day
Znam o tebi ko o sebi, Jo's od prve znam,
I know you as I know myself, I've known you since I was young,
Nazivi se covjek svega da ti ne pricam.
You call yourself a man, but don't try to tell me.
Ti zasluzi svoju srecu moju ne diraj,
You deserve your own happiness, don't touch mine,
Odreci se njega necu to me ne pitaj.
Renounce him, don't ask me that.
Ne diraj covjeka mog, Brini za sebe I svog, godina to, malo jos.
Don't touch my man, take care of yourself and yours, it's only a matter of time.
Nitko zivot svoj ne bira ne biram ni ja,
No one chooses their own life, I don't choose either,
Pronasla sam grumen zlata prije potopa,
I found a lump of gold before the flood,
Koja rijeka ce ga nosit nek izabere,
Let the river decide who will carry it,
Mozda moja mozda tvoja stvar je sudbine.
Perhaps mine, perhaps yours, it's a matter of fate.
Ne diraj covjeka mog, brini za sebe I svog godina to, malo Jo's.
Don't touch my man, take care of yourself and yours, it's only a matter of time.
Sudnji dan je a ja ne mislim, jer ja samo zivot imam da ga potrosim.
Judgment day is here and I'm not thinking, because I only have one life to spend.
Sudnji dan je a ja ne mislim,
Judgment day is here and I'm not thinking,
Samo bol samo bol da podijelim. Samo bol da podijelim.
Only pain, only pain to share. Only pain to share.
Koja rijeka ce ga nosit nek izabere,
Let the river decide who will carry it,
Mozda moja mozda tvoja stvar je sudbine.
Perhaps mine, perhaps yours, it's a matter of fate.
Ne diraj covjeka mog brini za sebe I svog godina to malo jos.
Don't touch my man, take care of yourself and yours, it's only a matter of time.
Sudnji dan je a ja ne mislim,
Judgment day is here and I'm not thinking,
Jer ja samo zivot imam da ga potrosim,
Because I only have one life to spend,
Sudnji dan je a ja ne mislim, samo bol, samo bol da podijelim
Judgment day is here and I'm not thinking, only pain, only pain to share

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