Matteoh - Losses - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Losses - MatteohÜbersetzung ins Englische

Furt si pyšný, pýtať help
Too proud to ask for help, girl
Raz ťa dostane do pekiel
One day it'll drag you straight to hell
Ja som moje Ls vymenil za lekcie
I traded my Ls for lessons, you see
Kurz bol dobrý, jedna k jednej
The rate was good, one to one, believe me
Pýcha moje fuel, yeah
Pride is my fuel, yeah
Posielal som produkcie, yeah
I was sending out productions, yeah
Fire bro, neni to môj štýl, yeah
Fire, bro, that's not my style, yeah
Lacné výhovorky, videl som cez ne, ne
Cheap excuses, I saw right through them, nah
Stepupol som game, yeah
Stepped up my game, yeah
Čo práve počúvaš výsledok toho, že som dal ego bokom
What you're hearing is the result of me putting my ego aside
Ukázal sám sebe, že to viem
Showed myself that I can do it
A že to budeš musieť priznať aj ty
And you'll have to admit it too, girl
To uvidíš
You'll see
Furt si pyšný, pýtať help
Too proud to ask for help, girl
Raz ťa dostane do pekiel
One day it'll drag you straight to hell
Ja som moje Ls vymenil za lekcie
I traded my Ls for lessons, you see
Kurz bol dobrý, jedna k jednej
The rate was good, one to one, believe me
Ľahko sa zasekneš na mieste, yeah
Easy to get stuck in place, yeah
Keď si spokojný, s tým kde si
When you're satisfied with where you are
Na ceste som sám, žiaden handout
On the road alone, no handout
SelfMade ako Dame
Self-made like Dame
Chutí to najlepšie, keď sa k tomu dopracuješ sám
Tastes best when you work for it yourself, girl
A keď si to neurobíš sám, tak to nebudeš mať
And if you don't do it yourself, you won't have it
Nezávidím, ale by som chcel vedieť, kde by som bol
Not envious, but I'd like to know where I'd be
S možnosťami ako ty
With opportunities like yours
Kedy sa konečne stretne pripravenosť a príležitosť
When will preparedness and opportunity finally meet?
Som ready
I'm ready
Furt si pyšný, pýtať help
Too proud to ask for help, girl
Raz ťa dostane do pekiel
One day it'll drag you straight to hell
Ja som moje Ls vymenil za lekcie
I traded my Ls for lessons, you see
Kurz bol dobrý, jedna k jednej
The rate was good, one to one, believe me
Zahodil som šancu, kopec krát
Threw away a chance, many times
Kde vidíš L, ja lekciu
Where you see an L, I see a lesson
Išiel som zas a tvrdšie
I went again and harder
Nevešal som nos
Didn't hang my head
Nemám na to čas
Don't have time for that
Posúvam sa dopredu
Moving forward
Nepoznám brzdu ani spiatočku
Don't know brakes or reverse
Keď chceš recept tu ho máš
If you want the recipe, here it is
Pozri kolo seba
Look around you
Drina, cash a konexie, stačia ti dva
Hard work, cash and connections, two are enough
Vyber si a bež
Choose and run
Furt si pyšný, pýtať help
Too proud to ask for help, girl
Raz ťa dostane do pekiel
One day it'll drag you straight to hell
Ja som moje Ls vymenil za lekcie
I traded my Ls for lessons, you see
Kurz bol dobrý, jedna k jednej
The rate was good, one to one, believe me

Autoren: Matej Hanušovský

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