Nerieš - R.I.P. Rap - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

R.I.P. Rap - NeriešÜbersetzung ins Englische

R.I.P. Rap
R.I.P. Rap
Stojim na zastávke, ide vlak,
I'm standing at the bus stop, the train is coming,
S prehľadom nastúpim doň som rebel,
I confidently get on it, I'm a rebel,
Vidím jako starý kokot za ním uteká,
I see an old man running after it,
No čas mu vypršal, to som vedel.
But his time is up, I knew it.
Počuješ tento pochod?
Do you hear this march?
Ja stále kráčam so svojimi dopredu ako kokot
I still walk forward with my men like an asshole,
A neveziem sa na nikom stopom
And I'm not going to hitchhike with anyone
Starých kokotov spálim a rozfúkam ich popol,
I'll burn the old farts and blow away their ashes,
Aby bol pokoj.
So there will be peace.
Volá dispečing o pomoc,
The dispatcher calls for help,
No vlak do budúcnosti nestojí, tak pochop,
But the train to the future doesn't stop, so understand
že tvoj lístok roztrhal som v zuboch a zakopal tvoj oldschoolový úbor ty drbo.
That I tore your ticket in my teeth and buried your old school outfit, loser.
Hip hop je mŕtvy, keď si ho mal v rukách ty,
Hip hop was dead when you had it in your hands,
Keď si ho mal vtedy ty na starosti,
When you had it in charge then,
Teraz si starý a chcel by si mať zárobky
Now you're old and you want to have earnings,
V kľude vám hodím kvety na vaše pojebané náhrobky.
In silence I will throw flowers on your fucking tombstones.
Nemôžeš čakať, že sa vrátim o krok späť,
You can't expect me to take a step back,
Ja robím hudbu a jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I make music and I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem ti na tvoj rap.
I fuck your rap.
Počuješ zmrdov, sme naspäť drbo,
Listen, asshole, we're back, loser,
Je nás 5 drbo a s nami a každý,
There are 5 of us, loser, and everyone,
Ktorý do toho predtým kýval rukou,
Who used to wave their hands to it before,
Ukáž mi prstom, kto je viacej v našom bloku,
Show me with your finger, who's more in our block,
Tak sa nachovaj jak bulo, och, ty chmulo,
So, get fat like a bull, oh, you bastard,
Doteraz som sedel síce na riti,
Until now I've been sitting on my ass,
No analyzoval som zvuk a ty si celý čas sedel na ušiach
But I've been analyzing the sound and you've been sitting on your ears all the time
A za kompom ma povzbudzoval komentami detský klub,
And at the computer a children's club encouraged me with comments,
Sme tu 10 rokov a ty o tom ani nevieš,
We've been here for 10 years and you don't even know about it,
Pozorujem z diaľky, čo sa deje,
I watch from afar what's going on,
Bum, nechceš to vedieť,
Boom, you don't want to know about it,
Bum, nechceš v tom letieť s nami,
Boom, you don't want to fly with us,
Nemusíme sa baviť, nehráme na dve strany,
We don't have to talk, we don't play on two sides,
Neni sme zamestnaní, vašimi jebnutými komplexmi, nemám čas rozmýšľať, čo sa stane s vami,
We are not employed, by your fucking complexes, I don't have time to think about what will happen to you,
No čo sa stane s nami,
But what will happen to us,
Ja ti poviem, na pár hovien,
I'll tell you, except for a few shits
Tu nemám s nikým problém
I don't have a problem with anyone here
Nemôžeš čakať, že sa vrátim o krok späť,
You can't expect me to take a step back,
Ja robím hudbu a jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I make music and I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem ti na tvoj rap.
I fuck your rap.
Nemôžeš čakať, že sa vrátim o krok späť,
You can't expect me to take a step back,
Ja robím hudbu a jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I make music and I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap,
Jebem tvoj mŕtvy rap, mŕtvy rap,
I fuck your dead rap, dead rap,
Jebem ti na tvoj rap.
I fuck your rap.

Autoren: Matej Gabris, Matej Straka

Nerieš - R.I.P. Rap
R.I.P. Rap

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