Nola - Zauvijek - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Zauvijek - NolaÜbersetzung ins Englische

Još ne mogu k sebi doći
I still can't come to my senses,
A spremna sam to čekala
Though I was ready, I awaited this.
S tobom znam sve ću proći
With you, I know I'll go through anything,
Sudbina se ostvarila
Destiny has come true.
Danima se vrtim
For days I've been spinning,
Po istom krugu hodam
Walking in the same circle,
Ne mogu si ništa reći
I can't tell myself anything,
Čujem samo tvoje riječi
I only hear your words.
Zauvijek, budi moja
Forever, be mine.
Zauvijek, budi moja
Forever, be mine,
Da nikad nas ne rastave
So that nothing ever tears us apart,

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