Paille - Assé - Local - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Assé - Local - PailleÜbersetzung ins Englische

Assé - Local
Enough - Local
Anlo politicien ka manti ba pèp yo,
So many politicians lie to their people,
Anlo chantè ki pani ayin en tèx yo,
So many singers with nothing in their lyrics,
Anlo animatè ki passa poté grinn' yo,
So many entertainers who only care about their own pleasure,
Ki lass kalé djel yo,
Who are tired of their reflections,
Mwen za tann yo ASSEZ!
Baby, I've had ENOUGH!
Kouyonnin nou c sèl bagay ki en tèt yo,
Fooling us is the only thing on their minds,
Kité nou fin épi rempli zassièt' yo,
Let's leave them when our plates are full,
Man ka kraché enlè ti mannyè malonèt yo,
I'm trying to get rid of these dishonest ways,
Woy, Way mwen za tann yo ASSEZ
Oh yeah, I’ve had ENOUGH!
Bienvenue au pays de la banane jaune,
Welcome to the land of the yellow banana,
La ou la terre a un p'ti coup d'chlore d'écone,
Where the earth has a little touch of economic chlorine,
Royaume de canne et de rhum agricole,
Kingdom of cane and agricultural rum,
Les femmes porte la culotte et les hommes portes leurs connes.
Women wear the pants and men bear their horns.
Le roi Césaire ne siégera plus sur le trône,
King Césaire will no longer sit on the throne,
Nos petits frères ne vont plus a l'école,
Our little brothers no longer go to school,
Pourquoi le faire s'ils peuvent de la drogue,
Why do it if they can do drugs,
Puisque nos politiciens ont tous perdu leurs graines.
Because our politicians have all lost their seeds.
Ils parlent, ils parlent depuis des siècles,
They talk, they've been talking for centuries,
J'entends les voix mais je ne voit pas les gestes,*non rien a changé depuis la grève, oui mesdames et monsieurs ont vous a vendu un rêve,
I hear the voices but I don't see the actions, *nothing has changed since the strike, yes ladies and gentlemen, you were sold a dream,
Padi mwen ayin man poko palé twop,
Wait, I haven't said too much yet,
Dayè pou yo koprann man key palé pwop,
By the way, for them to understand, I have to speak clearly,
Adan médias nou ni tibrin twop sot Wow!
In the media we have too many fools, wow!
Bann imbéciles goumins ba péyi-zot Woy!
Foolish, greedy bastards of their country, wow!
I ny enlo chantè ke man palé sanm,
There are many singers I'm referring to,
Enlo bwabwa ki pa ni coz' ka défenn,
Many drunks who have nothing to defend,
Pou yo mizik c en bass ka déssann,
For them, music is just a bass going down,
34 play backs épi palé fanms,
Do 3 or 4 playbacks and then talk about women,
Tou sa bagay, man pa key manti pa pèsonn',
All this stuff, I'm not lying to anyone,
C pa premié fwa nou vini sot ba 2 formes,
It's not the first time we've been taken for fools,
man key palé mèm si yo palé tann, mésié pa two étonné si yo pran zit pou sex-toy,
But I'm talking even if they're listening, honey don't be too surprised if they're taken for sex toys,
Premié mic mwen man tchébéy en tan métal,
The first mic I held was made of metal,
Pou moun dansé sur ke man enlè sa
To make people dance, I'm taking it off
Man key pran tem mwen pou mwen palé ba pèp la,
I'm taking my time to talk to the people,
Ici ny génis nou poko sa
There are geniuses here, but we rarely see them
Kon max ransay ou marcé épi toumpak ou bien an pipo marthély pou soukwé nou tout la, lontan bel mizik péyi mwen za pou jambé tout pak,
Like Max Ransay or Marcé and his "toumpak," or even An Pipo Martelly to shake us all up, long ago the beautiful music of my country used to make everyone dance,
i ni tibren twop crétions ka craché an soup la,
But there are too many creations trying to get into the soup,
Donc man obligé BIG-UP Esy Kennenga kon Moustaf,
So I have to give a BIG UP to Esy Kennenga like Moustaf,
Mésié mizik la bel y pou joué anlè tout place,
Man, his music is beautiful, it should be played everywhere,
Kant a misié jaccoulet pa di mwen y pa fèt pou sa, boug a tou boneman, donc an jenn ti fos bay,
As for Mister Jaccoulet, don't tell me he wasn't made for that, the guy is talented, so let's give the young man a chance,
Dèyè sa ni telmen man pa nonmen yo tout la, man key palé de valley, de pleen de Djama keita, épi ni kalash ni lieutenant épi ya l'époke de kwak an tan taxi créole téka crazé zouk la,
After that, there are so many that I can't name them all, I'm talking about Valley, Pleen, Djama Keita, and there was Kalash, Lieutenant and the era of Kwak when Taxi Creole used to tear up the zouk,
Tou sa bagay péyi mxen don mwen pa pou sav, man pani ayen a foutre de akon ou de chris brown, épi télé épi radio yo oublié tou sa,
All these are things from my country that I shouldn't know, I don't care about Akon or Chris Brown, and TV and radio have forgotten all that,
Yo ka jis ka El diablo nou passé pou moun sot,
They're just making El Diablo make us look like fools,
Man simen ralph thamar, jou ouvè apré la pli, man jalou tann kassav man pa finmin non pli,
I respect Ralph Thamar, on a working day after the rain, I'm jealous of Kassav' but I don't really like them either,
Au carrefour des cultures il y a la Martinique,
At the crossroads of cultures, there is Martinique,
Donc j'écoute Micheal Jackson puis après MC Janik
So I listen to Michael Jackson and then MC Janik.
Alors man key viré enlè bay la,
So I'm going to go back there,
Man sav ke péyi mwen bèl mwen sav ke zot sav sa, fo tout moun pran responsabilité yo pou nou bay ensem',
I know my country is beautiful, I know you know that, but everyone has to take responsibility so that we can give together,
On va dédramatisé le propos tout de suite:
Let's lighten the mood right now:
Woulo ban mwen bagay la (x3)
Give me that thing (x3)
Tonnè di dyé ba mwen bagay la
God's thunder, give me that thing!
Woulo ban mwen bagay la (x3)
Give me that thing (x3)
Yo di en péyi-a bagay cho,
They say things are hot in this country,
2009 le grève en tchou yo,
2009, the strike is in full swing,
Ménagère mandé 200 euros,
Housewives are asking for 200 euros,
Pou dépensé concert El Diablo,
To spend at the El Diablo concert,

Autoren: Gilles Boulard, Yoni Alpha

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