S1naka - No Po - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

No Po - S1nakaÜbersetzung ins Englische

No Po
No Po
Alguna ve te paraste entender
Have you ever stopped to consider
Si haci las cosas por gusto o es que ese es tu deber
If you do things for pleasure or if it's your duty
Una fake mundo como truman donde al parecer
A fake world like Truman where it seems
Mientras menos dudas tienes mas te vai a adormecer
The less you doubt, the more you will become dormant
Un reality sin reha rehabili las pruebas
A reality without rehab, the trials
High high quality pero no la internalizi
High quality but not internalized
No di niuna shit por hecho, eso no olvidi
I didn't take anything for granted, that I didn't forget
Cuestionate todo menos lo que ta dentro de ti
Question everything except what's inside you
Cuestionate todo lo que te cuente a ti la tv
Question everything they tell you on TV
Cuestionate todo lo que en el cole hacen escribir
Question everything they make you write in school
Cuestionate porque enseñan todo menos vivir
Question why they teach everything but how to live
Desde peque te enseñan a sumar, no a compartir
From a young age they teach you to add, not to share
En primero ya sabia que era comprar y vender
In first grade I already knew what it was to buy and sell
Pero no cantar ni mucho menos componer
But not to sing and much less to compose
Con cuea aprendí a pintar ver un poroto florecer
I barely learned how to paint or to see a bean flower
Nunca aprendí a dibujar ensayo simce había que hacer
I never learned how to draw, there were Simce exams to take
No no
No, no
No me van a callar aunque me tachen de loco por cuestionar mi alrededor
They're not going to silence me even if they call me crazy for questioning my surroundings
No no
No, no
Pero ese prejuicio es conveniente pa' la elite imaginen quien lo inculco
But that prejudice is convenient for the elite, imagine who instilled it
No no
No, no
No me van a callar aunque me tachen de loco por cuestionar mi alrededor
They're not going to silence me even if they call me crazy for questioning my surroundings
No no
No, no
Pero ese prejuicio es conveniente pa' la elite imaginen quien lo inculco
But that prejudice is convenient for the elite, imagine who instilled it
Cuanta veces viste en la tele el estereotipo
How many times have you seen the stereotype on TV
Del weon volao que habla conspiraciones
Of the crazy guy who talks about conspiracies
No es coincidencia no
It's not a coincidence
No es coincidencia porque
It's not a coincidence because
Hay incidencia en
There's an influence in
Toda tu crianza tienen
All your upbringing, they have
Eficiencia pero
Efficiency but
No esperanza por
No hope for
Que hay gente via que
That there are people out there
Nunca se cansa de
Who never tire of
Mostrarle a todos que
Showing everyone that
Esto es una farsa de
This is a farce of
Mostrarle a todos que esto es una farsa
Showing everyone that this is a farce
De chico me decían que tenia que creer en dios
As a child they told me I had to believe in God
Ahora aprendí que tengo que creer en mi yo
Now I've learned that I have to believe in myself
Aprendí cosas que importan que el colegio no enseño
I learned things that matter that the school didn't teach
Quieren cambiarme quieren que no piense pero no lo van a lograr
They want to change me, they want me not to think, but they're not going to succeed
Ni aunque yo vuelva a nacer el sistema culiao me va a idiotizar
Even if I'm born again, the shitty system is going to make me stupid
Me gusta tunearme la voz y ponerme sincero en las bases de rap
I like to tune my voice and be sincere on the rap tracks
Saluo pal weta envidioso que critica música y no aporta na
Except for the envious weirdo who criticizes music and contributes nothing
Na na, no me aporta na
Na na, he doesn't contribute anything to me
Tampoco el cerrao de mente que te hace callar
Neither does the close-minded person who makes you shut up
Que ta encerrao en su burbuja de metal
Who is locked in his metal bubble
Se nota que le asusta cuestionar su realidad
It's obvious that he's afraid to question his reality
No no
No, no
No me van a callar aunque me tachen de loco por cuestionar mi alrededor
They're not going to silence me even if they call me crazy for questioning my surroundings
No no
No, no
Pero ese prejuicio es conveniente pa' la elite imaginen quien lo inculco
But that prejudice is convenient for the elite, imagine who instilled it
No no
No, no
No me van a callar aunque me tachen de loco por cuestionar mi alrededor
They're not going to silence me even if they call me crazy for questioning my surroundings
No no
No, no
Pero ese prejuicio es conveniente pa' la elite imaginen quien lo inculco
But that prejudice is convenient for the elite, imagine who instilled it

Autoren: Matias Munoz

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