Sabbala - Jaga - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Jaga - SabbalaÜbersetzung ins Englische

"Uh, bars cam ubat, hmm, silap"
"Uh, bars like medicine, hmm, wrong"
Bars cam ubat terkini, diuji kaji teliti
Bars like the latest medicine, carefully researched
Tanpa permisi telan semuanya tanpa perskripsi
Without permission, swallow it all without a prescription
Now rap diambil mudah tulah cepat terasa
Now rap is taken lightly, that's why it feels fast
Rilis riban disstrack still tak selesaikan apa apa
Releasing thousands of disstracks still doesn't solve anything
Penakut kena punchline, tu ayam masak kicap
Afraid of getting punched, that's chicken with ketchup
Tak pukul betul-betul, wa bukan budak kuat isarb
Didn't hit it right, I'm not a strong isarb kid
Budak budak gatal mulut gatal nak cuba rap
Kids with itchy mouths, itchy to try rap
Tapi beza dorang dengan Aman ialah dorang cuma flat
But the difference between them and Aman is that they are just flat
Member puji dia lirikal dan tanpa rasa skeptikal
Members praise him lyrical and without a skeptical taste
Terus ubah rap jadi fulltime, dan fulltime jadi prektikal
Immediately change rap to fulltime, and fulltime becomes practical
Fikirannya minimal, buku tak habis belek
His mind is minimal, he hasn't finished reading books
Gayanya panjang tangan dan jelas akalnya pendek
His style is long-handed and clearly his mind is short
Tak jadi, merengek, kena hentam terus senget
It didn't work out, whining, got hit and immediately tilted
Tolak ikan keli sebab wa pilih ayam penyet
Pushing catfish because I chose stuffed chicken
Karier rapper tertangguh sebab wa penantian
Rapper career is on hold because I'm waiting
Yang buta huruf jadikan verse wa mata pencarian
The illiterate make my verse their livelihood
Barisnya penuh api
His lines are full of fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later
Barisnya penuh api
His lines are full of fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later
Orang tak rasa gerun langsung lu masuk dengan salam
People don't feel intimidated, you just go in with greetings
Rasa ada bars tapi satu line pun orang tak faham
It feels like there are bars but people don't understand a single line
Perasan dia yang memburu jadi record dengan terburu
He feels like he's hunting, so he records in a hurry
Tolong ambillah masa untuk belajar susun ayat dulu
Please take the time to learn how to arrange sentences first
Tanpa senjata extra, wa bunuh pakai mulut
Without extra weapons, I kill with my mouth
Punchline ialah penumbuk bukan hanya takat ugut
Punchline is a fist, not just a point
Jadi takyah nak Mafia, takyah nak Yakuza
So no need for Mafia, no need for Yakuza
Bukan semua kongsi, gua pula tamak haloba
Not everything is shared, I'm greedy
Bodoh tu simpan sikit kat sini tunjuk bakat
Keep your stupidity here, show your talent
Bukan street fighter still lawan gua kena sagat
Not a street fighter, still fight me and get shredded
Dah tak boleh jadi rapper, pergi tolong adik beradik
Can't be a rapper anymore, go help your siblings
Rap takat buat sakit tekak baik pergi simpan balik
Rap just makes your throat sore, better keep it back
Rap macam, hyperbola, swimming, santai
Rap like, hyperbole, swimming, relax
Suara bolehlah, tapi malangnya verse tak sampai
The voice is okay, but unfortunately the verse doesn't arrive
Petik line gua, memang sampai buah tangan
Pick my line, indeed it's a gift
Arkitek dalam rap game, lawan wa, membinasakan
Architect in the rap game, against me, destroying
Barisnya dengan api
His lines are with fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later
Barisnya dengan api
His lines are with fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later
Barisnya dengan api
His lines are with fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later
Barisnya dengan api
His lines are with fire
Jangan kau memanggil bahaya
Don't call for danger
Takutkan disahutnya nanti
Fear it will be answered later

Autoren: Muhammad Yusuf Bin Mazelan

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