You never took me to the store to buy some groceries
Ne ye n'ka minainiw bai tchai avion magain
You never came to visit me when I was sick
A ma te bori tai oh ka papa magain
And you never told me you loved me
N'sera ye n'gnafo papa ye ko n'bifai ko e kokadi n'ye e ko n'be papa fai kana wa papa e doun kana wa papaaaaah
So now you have the nerve to call me selfish when you're the one who's been so neglectful? You never called, you never came to visit, you never even sent me a text message. So don't you dare call me selfish!
Stay please, bai bi fa fai euuhh
Please stay, let's talk about it
Ouuuuuh ouuui dounia gailenmanbagnina papa djon bai tz se ka waliden
Ouuuuuh ouuui the world is cruel but I will always protect you
The world
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