Sassja - Clash - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Clash - SassjaÜbersetzung ins Englische

Prva zena s Fm Jam-a
First woman from Fm Jam
Da vas rastjera s terena
To run you off the field
Kazes de poderi riddim
You say you can handle the riddim
Kazem ja nema problema
I say I don't have a problem
Nisam mislila bit' sila
I didn't mean to be a force
Ali omaklo se jebiga
But it slipped out, damn
I bilo sasvim lako
And it was really easy
Jer je pola scene replika
Because half the scene is a replica
Sad reperi su svjesni
Now rappers are aware
Koliko sam bitna velika
How much I matter
Oprosti nam ba Sassja
Forgive us, Sassja
Nismo znali ba jebiga
We didn't know, damn
Ho's feat sa mnom
Ho's feat with me
Trebat ces ti radit' jos
You'll have to work harder
Trebas skilla za ritam
You need skills for rhythm
Ko sto Tele ima za kos
Like Tele has for basketball
Kazem ho's feat sa mnom
I say ho's feat with me
Trebat ces ti radit' jos
You'll have to work harder
Najbolji reper u kvartu
Best rapper in the neighborhood
A kvart zgrada i kos
And the neighborhood is a building and a basketball court
Imam iskrene stihove
I have sincere lyrics
Talenat za razne stilove
Talent for various styles
Magistrirala ritmove
I have a master's degree in rhythms
Pa mi lako na beatove
So it's easy for me to make beats
Napravit' rusvaj
Make a mockery
Sve MC-e stjerat' u kraj
Drive all MCs away
Ako mislis da sam prosjek
If you think I'm average
Dodji uzivo me slusaj
Come and listen to me live
Mislis da ces bolje
You think you can do better
Onda kopirat' pokusaj
Then try to copy
Preslusaj dva-tri puta
Listen two or three times
Ali izgubljen si slucaj
But you're a lost cause
Opako haramo
We play hard
TZ prva odavno
TZ was the first a long time ago
Probaj na clash
Try to clash
Al' bjezis pred mojim soundom
But you run away from my sound
Svaki selector je fan
Every selector is a fan
Pa cujes Sassju stalno
So you hear Sassja all the time
Bujrum ragga duba
Bujrum ragga duba
Dancehall il' digitalno
Dancehall or digital
Nema govora dobri ste
No question, you're good
Al' smo uvijek malo bolji
But we're always a little better
Znas ne mozes odolit'
You know you can't resist
'Vakav zvuk se prosto voli
This kind of sound is simply loved
Znas dodjes na svirku
You know you come to a gig
Pa te zvuk sa nogu obori
And the sound knocks you off your feet
Jer mi ne znamo drukcije
Because we don't know how to do it differently
Mi smo djeca s Trga soli
We're kids from Trg soli
Dzaba jezera
Dzaba jezera
Mi smo reprezent TZ-a
We represent TZ
Zvuk svakog crew-a
The sound of every crew
Benda, MC-a, DJ-a
Bands, MCs, DJs
Premocna Tuzla
Tuzla is dominant
Lako smo prvi bez problema
We're easily first
Znam da bi htio sliku
I know you'd like a picture
Ispred zida Fm Jam-a
In front of the Fm Jam wall

Autoren: Mischa Simon Studer, Sanela Halilovic Sassja

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