Father in heaven, first of all, I must beg you to forgive my sins.
我的這雙手 沾滿了許多人的血
My hands are stained with the blood of many people.
我認清了一個事實 我是個軍人 必須服從上級的命令
I have come to the realization that I am a soldier, and I must obey the orders of my superiors,
保守我在戰場上 有個完美的演出 A MAN
Ensuring that I perform perfectly on the battlefield, like a true man.
你看不到我 找不到我 感覺不到我 我就站在花崗岩盡頭的某個角落
You cannot see me, you cannot find me, you cannot sense me, I am standing on a corner somewhere at the end of the granite.
你不會知道 有多糟糕 不懂的煩惱 到最後0.9秒我想你再也逃不掉
You will never know how bad it is, you do not understand the troubles, in the last 0.9 seconds, I believe you will no longer be able to escape.
我站著不動 動也不走 走也不囉嗦 很倒霉你固守這單位只能算你衰
I am standing still, I do not move, I do not hesitate, it is unfortunate that you are defending this unit, you are just unlucky.
對我來說這是光榮的佈局 我懂得冷靜 思考 偽裝我自己
To me, this is a glorious deployment, I know how to be calm, to think, and to disguise myself.
這不是華麗的攻擊 這是一種最冷靜的反擊
This is not a flashy attack, it is a calm and calculated counterattack.
也許我還需要學習 學習思考怎麼走下一步
Perhaps I still need to learn, to learn how to think about what to do next.
是你想也想不到的狙擊手 你不知道我注意你有多久
I am the sniper you would never expect, you do not know how long I have been watching you.
躲在這並不是因為想逃脫 而是在瞄準你的一舉一動
I am hiding here not because I want to escape, but because I am taking aim at your every move.
這冰天雪地 百米之外 清醒的板機 歡迎走進 來自南半球的十字準星
In this icy wasteland, a hundred meters away, a clear trigger, welcome to the crosshairs from the Southern Hemisphere.
天知道我的成長背景改寫歷史軌跡 當你們群龍無首想找出我並不可能
Heaven knows that my upbringing has changed the course of history, when you are leaderless, it will be impossible to find me.
像石頭像蝙蝠 像靜止的瀑布 我在等待這一刻致命的一擊
Like a stone, like a bat, like a still waterfall, I await this moment, this deadly shot.
對你來說這是一個光榮的遭遇 我懂得冷靜 思考 偽裝我自己
To you, this is a glorious encounter, I know how to be calm, to think, and to disguise myself.
這不是華麗的攻擊 這是一種最冷靜的反擊 ye 也許我還需要學習 學習思考怎麼走下一步
This is not a flashy attack, it is a calm and calculated counterattack. Yes, perhaps I still need to learn, to learn how to think about what to do next.
是你想也想不到的狙擊手 你不知道我注意你有多久
I am the sniper you would never expect, you do not know how long I have been watching you.
躲在這並不是因為想逃脫 而是在瞄準你的一舉一動
I am hiding here not because I want to escape, but because I am taking aim at your every move.
This is not a flashy attack, it is a calm and calculated counterattack. Ah, perhaps I still need to learn, to learn how to think about what to do next. Oh, I am the sniper you would never expect, you do not know how long I have been watching you.
躲在這並不是因為想逃脫 而是在瞄準你的一舉一動
I am hiding here not because I want to escape, but because I am taking aim at your every move.
天上的父 我求求你 求你原諒我的罪 A MAN
Father in heaven, I beg you, please forgive my sins.
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