TJ - Kenny - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Kenny - TJÜbersetzung ins Englische

N-am vorbit de-o saptamana intreaga
I haven't spoken for a whole week
Ma intreaba cum pot s-am treaba
She asks me how I can work
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Merg pe beat si o fac sa mearga
I go on the beat and make it work
N-am vorbit o saptamana ntreaga
I haven't spoken for a whole week
Ma intreaba cum pot s-am treaba
She asks me how I can work
Merg pe beat, si o fac sa mearga
I go on the beat, and make it work
Orice fac, ea ma asteapta
Whatever I do, she waits for me
Scriu un vers, relax p-o plaja
I write a verse, relax on the beach
Protejat, da fara masca
Protected, but without a mask
Ma ridic, p-un grind in casa
I rise, on a grind in the house
Orice fac, stiu c-o sa mi iasa
Whatever I do, I know it will work out
Sufletul prea tare greu sa fii in el aproape
Soul too strong to be close to
Zici c-am doua vieti ce momente am in spate
You say I have two lives, what moments I have behind me
Somnu tot se zbate zici c-am petrecut o noapte
Sleep still struggles, you'd say I spent a night
Singur sau c-o fata zero comfort tot se trage
Alone or with a girl, zero comfort, she still pulls away
Mult prea detasat, viata asta ma cam place
Too detached, life likes me like that
Ca ultima fata care credea ca ma face
Like the last girl who thought she could do me
Ma simt ca Ronaldo norocos numarul 7
I feel like Ronaldo, lucky number 7
Zambetu pe buze chit ca picam o s-o facem oh
Smile on my face, even though I fell, we'll make it, oh
Shoutout-u mie ca merit
Shoutout to me, I deserve it
Am fost acolo, pe drumu ala solo, cursa pentru faima si credit
I was there, on that road alone, a race for fame and credit
Nimic nu ma schimba, fie femeie sau Henny
Nothing changes me, be it a woman or Henny
Eram ca in Southpark si muream pe fete ascuns dup-o gluga ca Kenny
I was like in Southpark and died on girls hidden behind a hood like Kenny
Ma pis pe ele de premii
I piss on the awards
O sa fac frate de-un Grammy
I'll make a Grammy, brother
Grija cu tonul si nu insista
Careful with your tone and don't insist
Vorba de business si o fac pe a mea
Talk business and do my thing
Mergeam peste ura, ma-n cerca lumea
I walked over hatred, the world tried me
Acum alta viata nu ma confunda
Now a different life, don't confuse me
Ne am dat-o o data si mi cerea piesa
We did it once and she asked me for the song
Zici ca s la TV, vorbeste lumea
You'd say it's on TV, the world is talking
Bestie din copil, te schimba viata
Childhood friend, life changes you
TJ e rece, nu l face gheata
TJ is cold, don't make him ice
Vine succesu
Success comes
Tot sacadez mersu
Still, my pace is shaky
Fac rost de tot ce am vrut
I get everything I wanted
Momente sechele
Dry moments
Dar agat modele
But I hook models
Si palea fra de nu m-au vrut
And pale bro, they didn't want me
Sunt mult prea melodic
I'm too melodic
Schimb lane-uri ca Tory
Change lanes like Tory
Nu mai sunt eu ala din trecut
I'm not the guy I used to be
Somnu se zbate
Sleep is struggling
Dar nu merg in spate
But I don't go back
Am facut cam ce n-au crezut
I did what they didn't believe
Shoutout-u mie ca merit
Shoutout to me, I deserve it
Am fost acolo, pe drumu ala solo, cursa pentru faima si credit
I was there, on that road alone, a race for fame and credit
Nimic nu ma schimba, fie femeie sau Henny
Nothing changes me, be it a woman or Henny
Eram ca in Southpark si muream pe fete ascuns dup-o gluga ca Kenny
I was like in Southpark and died on girls hidden behind a hood like Kenny
Ma pis pe ele de premii
I piss on the awards
O sa fac frate de-un Grammy
I'll make a Grammy, brother

Autoren: Traistaru Antonio

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