Twins - 加油 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

加油 - TwinsÜbersetzung ins Englische

Keep Fighting
一失戀好友發言 請加油衝刺向前
A heartbroken friend speaks, urging me to keep fighting and moving forward
偏偏我對愛戀 開始有些厭
But I've grown weary of love's chase,
車不可衝到太前 踩得這麼盡會點
The car shouldn't be pushed too hard, it might break down if driven too fast
Forgive me for slowing down, taking in the earth and sky
放過我 長年累月給打氣太久
Let me be, I've been encouraged for years on end,
Every now and then, I just want to deflate
Can you smile and watch me stumble?
Why must we always strive and fight?
來來來 來吧勉勵
Come, come, come, offer your encouragement
Cheer me on, wish me a good night's sleep
Stopping is seen as rusting, a machine in decay
賣力到很足夠 現在我
I've worked hard enough, now I
期望誰來 為我注入 一滴美酒
Long for someone to pour me a drop of sweet wine
疲倦時 若放下亦有豐收
When tired, letting go can be a harvest too,
沿途能 嘗盡各樣各色境界需要
Along the way, we need to experience all the different flavors of life
可加可減的節奏 (謝謝無數朋友)
A rhythm that ebbs and flows (Thank you to countless friends)
長期 前進前進
Always moving forward, onward
這班車 想偷懶 其實為了自救
This train wants to take a break, it's actually for self-preservation
一灰心一句說完 請加油不要棄權
Discouraged, I utter a single phrase, "Keep fighting, don't give up"
Why not close the shop of consolation and think it over later?
衝得多的我有權 減減油兜十個圈
I have the right to slow down, I've charged ahead for so long, to take a detour for ten laps
Give me the energy to catch my breath
Let me be
I've been encouraged for years on end
Every now and then, I just want to deflate
You can easily smile at my failures
Why must we always strive and fight?
來來來 來吧勉勵
Come, come, come, offer your encouragement
Cheer me on, wish me a good night's sleep
Stopping is seen as rusting, a machine in decay
賣力到很足夠 現在我
I've worked hard enough, now I
期望誰來 為我注入 一滴美酒
Long for someone to pour me a drop of sweet wine
疲倦時 若放下亦有豐收
When tired, letting go can be a harvest too,
沿途能 嘗盡各樣各色境界需要
Along the way, we need to experience all the different flavors of life
可加可減的節奏 (謝謝無數朋友)
A rhythm that ebbs and flows (Thank you to countless friends)
長期 前進前進
Always moving forward, onward
這班車 想偷懶 其實為了自救
This train wants to take a break, it's actually for self-preservation
(讓我唞唞) 試過了漫遊 還是會向上游
(Let me rest) I've tried wandering, but I'll still swim upstream
(大家加加油) 終身的打拼 也要休息足夠
(Everyone, keep fighting) A lifetime of struggle also needs adequate rest
(能源尚有) 眼看賽事悠長 留力拚鬥
(There's still energy left) Seeing the long race ahead, I'll save my strength to fight
I need to fall behind sometimes
On this long journey, we must keep fighting
迷途時 其實渴望
When lost, I actually yearn
不進不退 坐看星斗
To neither advance nor retreat, just sit and watch the stars
停下來 就當機器已生銹 賣力到很足夠
Stopping is seen as rusting, a machine in decay, I've worked hard enough
現在我 期望誰來 問我眼淚 流完沒有
Now I long for someone to ask if my tears have dried
Letting go can be a harvest too,
沿途能 嘗盡各樣各色境界需要
Along the way, we need to experience all the different flavors of life
有加有減的節奏 (謝謝無數朋友)
A rhythm that ebbs and flows (Thank you to countless friends)
長期 前進前進 這班車
Always moving forward, onward, this train
想偷懶 為何讓我內疚
Wants to take a break, why does it make me feel guilty?
I hate that we have too few bad friends

Autoren: Lok Shing Ronald Ng, Wai Man Leung

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