Vojko V - Machare - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Machare - Vojko VÜbersetzung ins Englische

Ljudi s kojima ja se družim su
The people I hang out with are
Malo maćani svi su malo maćare
A bit crazy, they're all a bit maćare
Ako družim se samo s maćama
If I only hang out with maćamas
Znači i ja sam vjerojatno maćare
It means I'm probably a maćare too
Posli vikenda puše južina
After the weekend, the south wind blows
Pun je misec i svi smo malo maćare
The moon is full and we're all a bit maćare
Šetam ulicom pada kiša ja gledam ljude i svi mi pare ma
I walk down the street, it's raining, I look at people and they all seem maćare to me
Ćare čua si glasinu, otiša sam na kvasinu
Ćare, you heard the gossip, I went to a party
Ne javljam se zaključa sam se u jazbinu
I'm not answering, I've locked myself in my den
Maci malo sam nacika
Maći, I'm a bit of a weirdo
Ka hokejaška kaciga
Like a hockey helmet
Svi kad me vide se pripadnu
Everyone who sees me gets scared
Jer u autu mi svira klasika
Because classical music plays in my car
U liftu s nikim ne komuniciram dica kriju se od mene iza matere
I don't communicate with anyone in the elevator, the kids hide from me behind their mothers
Kad sam napušen di god pogledam vidin jedino zavjere
When I'm abandoned, everywhere I look I see only conspiracies
Sidim doma i nigdi ne iden klubovi mi se gade
I sit at home and don't go anywhere, I hate clubs
Pijem pivu na prozoru gledam ljude koji prođu ispod moje zgrade
I drink beer by the window, watching people pass by under my building
Moj kvart se zove Lokve, kvart je masu lip
My neighborhood is called Lokve, it's a pretty nice neighborhood
Al tu i tamo noževi se vani vade
But here and there, knives are drawn outside
Na ulici se uvik dere neki tip
There's always some guy yelling in the street
Na prozorima uvik stoje neke babe
There are always some chicks standing in the windows
U studiju ja uvik radim neki beat
In the studio I'm always working on some beat
Svi misle mogu uzet bitove za džabe
Everybody thinks they can take my beats for free
Jer niko nema posla niko ne zna šta će
Because nobody has a job, nobody knows what to do
Na mom kauču su samo maće na mom kauču su svi maćare
On my couch there are only maće, on my couch there are all maćare
Ljudi s kojima ja se družim su
The people I hang out with are
Malo maćani svi su malo maćare
A bit crazy, they're all a bit maćare
Ako družim se samo s maćama
If I only hang out with maćamas
Znači i ja sam vjerojatno maćare
It means I'm probably a maćare too
Posli vikenda puše južina
After the weekend, the south wind blows
Pun je misec i svi smo malo maćare
The moon is full and we're all a bit maćare
Šetam ulicom pada kiša
I walk down the street, it's raining
Ja gledam ljude i svi mi pare maćare
I look at people and they all seem maćare to me
Kad puše olujno jugo brodovi ne plove
When a stormy south wind blows, boats don't sail
Kad puše na rivi more izbaci mrtvu ribu do marmontove
When it blows on the beach, the sea throws dead fish up to Marmontova
Ja sidim doma dok u wc-u mi ventilacija žviždi
I sit at home while the ventilation in my toilet whistles
Iz radijatora čujem susidu kako na muža vrišti
I can hear my neighbor screaming at her husband from the radiator
Mesari tuku po šnicelima dok pasi laju na ulici
Butchers beat up schnitzels while dogs bark in the street
Crkva zvoni pa susid buši pa crkvi zvoni i tako stalno u loop
The church bell rings, then the neighbor drills, then the church bell rings, and so on and so on
U dubrovačkoj republici kad bi nekog ubia
In the Dubrovnik Republic, when someone would kill someone
Ako tada je bilo jugo pomilova bi te sud
If the south wind was blowing then, the court would pardon you
Puše jugo sve mi pari smeće
The south wind blows, everything seems ugly to me
Gledan komedije cijelo večer
I watch comedies all evening
Nisam se nasmija niti jedan put
I didn't smile once
Puše jugo svađam se na netu
The south wind blows, I argue on the internet
Nikom ne odgovaram u chatu
I don't answer anyone in the chat
Niko ne zna zašto sam odjednom ljut
Nobody knows why I'm suddenly angry
Pun je misec osjećam bjesnoću
The moon is full, I feel furious
Iden se prošetat vani noću
I go for a walk outside at night
Sidin sam na klupi parin malo lud
I sit on a bench, steaming a bit crazy
Gledan ljude glupe su im face
I look at people, their faces are stupid
Slušan ih i glupe su im baze
I listen to them, their words are stupid
Svaki pogled isprid mate pari tup
Every look from under their mother's seems stupid
Gledam mercedesa kako skreće
I watch a Mercedes as it turns
Gledam babu kako kopa smeće
I watch an old woman as she digs through the trash
Cila država svi smo adio mare
The whole country, we're all adio mare
Gledam dnevnik vidim crtić
I watch the news, I see a cartoon
Gledam sabor vidim vrtić
I watch the parliament, I see a kindergarten
Cila država svi smo malo maćare
The whole country, we're all a bit maćare
Neki ljudi su tako rođeni
Some people are born that way
Već u mladosti ostali su maćare
They stayed maćare already in their youth
Neki tek su se posli maćali
Some only became maćare later
Tek u starosti postali su maćare
They only became maćare in old age
Kasno navečer sam u studiju
Late at night I'm in the studio
Čujem glasove i kažu da sam maćare
I hear voices and they say I'm a maćare
Radin sklekove, radin zgibove
I do push-ups, I do pull-ups
Vježbam tako da budem manje maćare
I exercise so that I can be less maćare

Autoren: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Andrija Vujeviä†

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