Yara - Sabart - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Sabart - YaraÜbersetzung ins Englische

صبرت ومن كتر صبري عليك
I've been patient with you, and with my patience for you,
تدار بات فيني المشاعر وأنا ناظر إليك
Emotions have churned within me as I looked at you,
صَبَّرتِ وَمَن كتر صَبْرِي عَلَيكِ
I have waited, and with my prolonged patience for you,
تُدار باتّ فَيَنِي المَشاعِر وَأَنّا ناظِر إِلَيكَ
Emotions have churned within me as I looked at you.
غموضك سكوتك وصمت عيونك
Your mystery, your silence, and the silence of your eyes,
خلاني خلاني إحتارت فيك
Have left me bewildered about you,
غُمُوضكِ سَكُوتكِ وَصَمَّت عُيُونكِ
Your mystery, your silence, and the silence of your eyes,
خَلانِي خَلانِي ٱِحْتارَت فِيكَ
Have left me bewildered about you.
قضيتي وياك يامن سكني هواك
I have spent my time with you, O you who my love inhabits,
تكون واضح معي مثل ما أنا واضح معاك
Be clear with me as I am clear with you,
رسيني على حال بإشارة في الحال
Send me a sign about your state at once,
وأنا كلي فداك ضمني بين إيديك
And I will be completely yours, hold me in your hands,
قَضِيَّتَيْ وياك يَأْمُننَ سَكَنِي هَواكِ
I have spent my time with you, O you who my love inhabits,
تُكَوِّن وَأَضِح مُعْي مِثْلِ ما أَنا وَأَضِح مِعاكِ
Be clear with me as I am clear with you,
رسيني عَلِيّ حال بِإِشارَة فِي الحال
Send me a sign about your state at once,
وَأَنّا كُلِّي فِداكِ ضِمْنِي بَيْنَ إيديك
And I will be completely yours, hold me in your hands.
محتاج لجنونك هدوئك وسكونك
I need your madness, your calm, your peace,
حياتي بلا معنى بالحب من من دونك
My life has no meaning without your love,
أتنفس غرامك ببسمة كلامك
I breathe your love in the smile of your words,
أعطني علومك الله يخليك
Give me your knowledge, God bless you,
مُحْتاج لَجُنُونكِ هُدُوئكَ وَسُكُونكَ
I need your madness, your calm, your peace,
حَياتِيّ بَلّاً مَعْنَى بِالحُبّ مَن مَن دَوَّنَكِ
My life has no meaning without your love,
أَتَنَفَّس غرامكِ بِبَسْمَة كَلامكِ
I breathe your love in the smile of your words,
أعطني عُلُومكِ اللّٰه يُخْلِيكَ
Give me your knowledge, God bless you.
I've been patient

Autoren: Tarek Abou Jaoude

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