ZVRBA - Visu' - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Visu' - ZVRBAÜbersetzung ins Englische

Baby stii ca sunt visu' tau
Baby, you know I'm your dream
Lambo' din fata e si al tau si al meu
The Lambo out front is yours and mine
Curtea din spate e plina cu bani
The backyard is full of cash
Ajunge familiei pe 50 de ani
Enough for the family for 50 years
Baby stii ca esti visul meu
Baby, you know you're my dream
Vreau diamante in 3 randuri la gatu' tau
I want three rows of diamonds on your neck
Pozeaza cu tine milioane de fani
Millions of fans taking pictures with you
Intram in club pe covor de dolari
We walk into the club on a carpet of dollars
M-am trezit din vis si nu e real nimic yeah
I woke up from the dream and nothing is real yeah
Laptopu' mi se strica
My laptop is broken
Nu mai pot sa cant n-am sanse la nimic yeah
I can't sing anymore, I have no chance at anything yeah
Plateste chiria
Pay the rent
Da-i ceva bun ce ma consoleaza de ani
Give me something good that comforts me for years
Sunt cu ea ne-am promis saltele de bani
I'm with her, we promised each other mattresses of money
Am promis chiar daca-i cod rosu de furtuna
I promised even if there's a red alert for a storm
Fuck it, nu conteaza ne tinem de mana
Fuck it, it doesn't matter, we hold hands
Jobu basic
Basic job
Plata basic
Basic pay
Viata basic
Basic life
Nu fac ce visez
I don't do what I dream
Le pun pe foaie
I put them on paper
Trag linie groasa
I draw a thick line
Nu-mi da energia si ma enervez
Don't give me the energy and I get angry
Sunt fraier ca n-am inceput sa lucrez
I'm a fool for not starting to work
Toti zic c-am potential de ce sa m-opresc
Everyone says I have potential, why should I stop
M-apuc iar sa scriu si sa nu mai oftez
I'll start writing again and stop sighing
Ma duc iar la munca si dupa la sesh
I go back to work and then to the sesh
Succesu' in viata nu vine de nu faci nimic
Success in life doesn't come if you do nothing
As putea sa stau in strada sa vand marfa la plic
I could stand on the street and sell drugs in bags
Da nu inseamna nimic
But it doesn't mean anything
Bag la suflet nimic
I take nothing to heart
Livrez marfa pe beat
I deliver the goods on the beat
Mi-a fost in spate nu puteam sa creez
It was behind me, I couldn't create
M-a temperat aveam probleme in creier
It tempered me, I had problems in my brain
M-a sustinut cum dracu s-o fac gen player
She supported me, how the hell do I do it like a player
Gandesc viata-n straturi asta-i primu layer
I think of life in layers, this is the first layer
Sunt doar eu cu ea in jur se-aud doar greieri
It's just me and her, only crickets can be heard around
De 8 ani calcam probleme suntem slayeri
For 8 years we've been stepping on problems, we're slayers
De asta iti promit baby baby baby baby
That's why I promise you baby baby baby baby
Baby stii ca sunt visu' tau
Baby, you know I'm your dream
Lambo' din fata e si al tau si al meu
The Lambo out front is yours and mine
Curtea din spate e plina cu bani
The backyard is full of cash
Ajunge familiei pe 50 de ani
Enough for the family for 50 years
Baby stii ca esti visul meu
Baby, you know you're my dream
Vreau diamante in 3 randuri la gatu' tau
I want three rows of diamonds on your neck
Pozeaza cu tine milioane de fani
Millions of fans taking pictures with you
Intram in club pe covor de dolari
We walk into the club on a carpet of dollars
Lately, we made it, ne imbracam in Prada si Fendi
Lately, we made it, we dress in Prada and Fendi
Numai atentii facem pretentii
Only attention, we make demands
La cash incep sa fac retentie
I start to retain cash
Baby acum ai covoare de bani
Baby, now you have carpets of money
Am muncit si-n spate am milioane de fani
I worked and I have millions of fans behind me
N-am pus botu' la fraieri si au trecut ani
I didn't fall for fools and years have passed
Acum avem dolari ca l-Americani
Now we have dollars like Americans
Succesu' in viata a venit c-am muncit de mic
Success in life came because I worked hard since I was a kid
As fi putut sa stau in strada sa vand marfa la plic
I could have stood on the street selling drugs in bags
Da nu inseamna nimic
But it doesn't mean anything
Drumu mi-a fost pe beat
My way was on the beat
Drumu mi-a fost pe beat
My way was on the beat
Baby stii ca sunt visu' tau
Baby, you know I'm your dream
Lambo' din fata e si al tau si al meu
The Lambo out front is yours and mine
Curtea din spate e plina cu bani
The backyard is full of cash
Ajunge familiei pe 50 de ani
Enough for the family for 50 years
Baby stii ca esti visul meu
Baby, you know you're my dream
Vreau diamante in 3 randuri la gatu' tau
I want three rows of diamonds on your neck
Pozeaza cu tine milioane de fani
Millions of fans taking pictures with you
Intram in club pe covor de dolari
We walk into the club on a carpet of dollars

Autoren: Alexandru Zurba

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