Zana - Via Amerika - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Via Amerika - ZanaÜbersetzung ins Englische

Via Amerika
Across America
U mislima sa tobom
I think of you
Negde u daljini ja tražim mir
Somewhere distant, I seek peace
Osećam da put taj
I feel like this journey
Nešto sasvim strano nam donosi
Brings something quite strange to us
Molitve za ljubav
Prayers for love
Svake noći ka tebi polaze
Head towards you every night
Sa zvucima tišine
With sounds of silence
Osećaji rastu i dolaze
Feelings grow and come
Moram da te dodirnem
I must touch you
Moram da te osetim
I must feel you
Ne želim da te izgubim
I don't want to lose you
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Satima već gledam
For hours I have been watching
Iza horizonta još plamti dan
Beyond the horizon, the day still flames
Talasi u beskraj
Waves to infinity
Neke vrele misli, ti i ja
Warm thoughts, you and I
Prolaze daljine
Distances fade
Osećaji lebde i nestaju
Feelings hover and vanish
Amerika na dohvat
America within reach
Sećanja se gube i prestaju
Memories blur and cease
Moram da te dodirnem
I must touch you
Moram da te osetim
I must feel you
Ne želim da te izgubim
I don't want to lose you
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Moram da te dodirnem
I must touch you
Moram da te osetim
I must feel you
Ne želim da te izgubim
I don't want to lose you
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America
Via Amerika
Across America

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