Shams - Shagget Thoby - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Shagget Thoby - ShamsÜbersetzung ins Englische

Shagget Thoby
Shagget Thoby
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
شقيت ثوبي وانا اخيط بثيابك
I tore my thobe while I was sewing your clothes.
وشلعت بابي وانا اللي ماسك بابك
And I pulled out my door while I was the one holding your door.
ومادام هذا الفعل في اقرب احبابك
And since this action is with the closest of your loved ones.
فانت طغيت وصرت كما رمسيس
Then you have become arrogant and have become like Ramses.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
شَقِيتَ ثَوْبَيْ وَأَنّا أُخَيِّط بِثِيابكِ
You tore my thobe while I was sewing your clothes.
وشلعت بابَيْيَ وَأَنّا اللَيّ ماسَكِ بابكَ
And you pulled out my door while I was the one holding your door.
وَمادامَ هٰذا الفِعْل ڤِي أَقْرَب أَحْبابكَ
And since this action is with the closest of your loved ones.
فَآنَت طَغَيتِ وَصَرَّت كَمّا رَمْسِيس
Then you have become arrogant and have become like Ramses.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
كبرت بالذنب ما عاد تشوف ولا تسمع
You have become great in sin. You no longer see or hear.
لا مقنع الناس ولا انت اللي يبي يقنع
You do not convince people, nor are you the one who wants to convince.
والله اعلم معك ما عاد بينفع
And Allah knows best with you, there is no longer any benefit.
لا شرهة لا تعليم ولا تدريس
No explanation, no teaching, no instruction.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
وكَبَرتُ بِالذَنْب ما عادَ تُشَوِّف وَلا تَسْمَع
You have become great in sin. You no longer see or hear.
لا مُقَنَّع الناس وَلا أَنْتِ اللَيّ يبي يُقْنِع
You do not convince people, nor are you the one who wants to convince.
وَاللّٰه أَعْلَم مَعَكَ ما عادَ بينفع
And Allah knows best with you, there is no longer any benefit.
لا شَرِهَة لا تَعْلِيم وَلا تَدْرِيس
No explanation, no teaching, no instruction.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
بالي انا مرتاح ما هو مثل بالك
My mind is at ease, not like yours.
مشغول بالتدبير تضحك على حالك
You are busy with scheming, laughing at yourself.
من كثرة الأوهام شيدت تمثالك
From the multitude of illusions, you have built your statue.
في دبي في بغداد وفي باريس
In Dubai, in Baghdad, and in Paris.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.
بِآلِيّ أَنّا مُرْتاح ما هُوَ مَثَّلَ بالكَ
My mind is at ease, not like yours.
مَشْغُول بِالتَدْبِير تَضْحكَ عَلَى حالِك
You are busy with scheming, laughing at yourself.
مَن كَثَرَّة الأَوْهام شَيَّدتُ تِمْثالكَ
From the multitude of illusions, you have built your statue.
ڤِي دُبَيّ ڤِي بَغْداد وَفِي بِإِرِّيس
In Dubai, in Baghdad, and in Paris.
ٱِسْتَغْفَرَ اللّٰه وَأَتَعَوَّذ مَن إِبْلِيس
I seek Allah's forgiveness and I seek refuge with Him from Satan.

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