Asami Izawa - 交差点 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

交差点 - 伊沢 麻未Übersetzung ins Englische

雨が降る 音もたてずに 街中の輪郭を曖昧にしながら
The rain falls quietly, blurring the outlines of the city.
偶然に 君を見かけた 見覚えのあるコートで交差点をゆく
By chance, I see you, a familiar coat crossing the intersection.
Flash Back 僕の手を 振りほどいた 君の頬は濡れている
Flash Back My hand, shaking off your hand, your cheeks wet.
引き止めなければ 終わりと知っていて 僕は動けない
Knowing that if I don't stop you, it will be over, I can't move.
君の過ちさえも 見ないフリで許して
Pretend not to see even your mistakes and forgive you.
やさしさが寂しい、と 君はうつむいた
"Your kindness is lonely," you said, looking down.
時を巻き戻せたら 強く抱きしめるのに
If I could turn back time, I would hold you close.
ありのままの自分に 自信がなかった
I didn't have confidence in who I really am.
You were my girl, my girl 手放して
You were my girl, my girl, I let you go.
You were my love, my love 気がついた
You were my love, my love, I realized.
To my insignificant existence,
時が経ってわかる 消せない想い
Those feelings that time has shown me, that I can't erase.
追いかけて 声をかけたら 君はどんな表情で僕を見るだろう
If I chase you and call out to you, what expression will you make when you see me?
前よりも きれいになった 新しい恋をして幸せだとわかる
More beautiful than before, I know you're in a new love and you're happy.
Flash Back あの夜の 後悔が 今も胸をしめつける
Flash Back The regrets of that night still tighten my chest.
君はどれだけの 涙を流して 僕を忘れたの
How many tears did you shed before you forgot me?
すべてを奪うような 恋に臆病すぎて
Too cowardly to accept a love that would take everything from me,
そばにいても不安、と 君はふるえた
"I'm anxious even when you're near," you trembled.
今の僕ならもっと うまく向き合えるのに
Now, I'd be able to face it all so much better.
君が見つめてるのは もう僕じゃない
The one you're looking at isn't me anymore.
You were my girl, my girl 失って
You were my girl, my girl, I lost you.
You were my love, my love 気がついた
You were my love, my love, I realized.
To the happiness that seemed ordinary,
時が経ってわかる 輝いた日々
Time has shown me the days that shone.
せつない痛みほど 本当の強さとやさしさに変わる
The more painful the sorrow, the more it turns into true strength and kindness.
そして出会う人と いつかまた歩き出せる
And someday, I'll meet someone new and start walking again.
見上げた空の彼方 光が射し込んでる
I looked up at the sky, and light was shining in the distance.
もうすぐこの雨も 止む時がくる
Soon, even this rain will stop.
空に広がってゆく 茜色の輝き
The crimson glow spreading across the sky
人ごみにまぎれてく 君を照らすよ
Will light you up as you disappear into the crowd.
You were my girl, my girl 想い出は
You were my girl, my girl, my memories,
You were my love, my love 忘れない
You were my love, my love, I won't forget.
We're headed in different directions.
交差点の向こう 空を見上げた
I looked up at the sky at the other side of the intersection.

Autoren: 伊沢麻未

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