容祖兒 - 28個我 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

28個我 - 容祖兒Übersetzung ins Englische

28 Me
(我邊係唱歌鈬, 我只係一個永遠都唔想畢業鮋中學女生之嘛...)
(I'm not a singing fool, I'm just a high school girl who never wants to graduate...)
(中學女生有咁精咁識做人咩? 我係一個不擇手段各上爬鮋壞女人...)
(What do high school girls know about life? I'm a wicked woman who'll do anything to get ahead...)
(而且係傻既, 講親笑話都唔好笑鮋)
(And I'm stupid, none of my jokes are funny)
(仲成日得罪人, 哈哈哈...)
(I always offend people, hahaha...)
話我知 到底邊個至係我
Tell me, who am I really?
真心鰟句 點會都講錯
I say things I don't mean
話我知 我飱飱有無做過
Tell me, have I ever done anything?
菲林好似 幾格失去鰦
Like film, a few frames are missing
(我要養家, 我要令媽咪同細佬生活得好鱓)
(I have to support my family, I have to make sure my mom and little brother have a good life)
(咪住, 仲要shopping 同埋買好多№)
(Wait, I also have to go shopping and buy lots of clothes)
(...and not wear them)
(我仲要好多個獎..., 我仲想講呢, 其實我都有灰暗鮋一面)
(I also have to win lots of awards..., I also want to say, I have a dark side)
(喂! 我幾時有咁講過呀? 你邊位呀? 你做乜鰠度講№呀?)
(Hey! When did I ever say that? Who are you? What are you talking about?)
(你唔好蝦我呀, 我淨係識玩miffy咋)
(Don't bully me, I only know how to play with miffy)
(咁你又鰠度亂up? 係咪未死過呀?)
(Then why are you talking nonsense here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?)
(一人少句, 一人少句啦, 家和就萬事興, 家衰呢...)
(Everyone stop talking, everyone stop talking, peace in the family leads to prosperity, a broken family...)
話我知 到底邊個至係我
Tell me, who am I really?
影親相我 都似邊鬼個
Every time I take a picture, I look like someone else
話我知 有邊位控制住我
Tell me, who is controlling me?
咁點解我 有時唔識我
Sometimes I don't know myself
Wow 四個八個 我鮋身分太多
Wow, I have four or eight different identities
成日喝我 駁我 我駕駛室裡 一向都滿座
Always arguing with me, always contradicting me, my mind is always full
愛我 殺我 有兩幫想駁火
Some want to love me, some want to kill me, two sides want to fight
和事老亦有七個 又計過
I also have seven peacemakers, I've counted
十四個 廿八個 我鮋身分太多
Fourteen or twenty-eight, I have too many identities
成日喝我 駁我 (我)駕駛室裡 一向都滿座
Always arguing with me, always contradicting me, my mind is always full
愛我 殺我 有兩幫想駁火
Some want to love me, some want to kill me, two sides want to fight
和事老亦有七個 又計過
I also have seven peacemakers, I've counted
計錯計過 (我)角色分野多
Hey, I've counted wrong, I have too many roles
同步 讚我 笑我...
At the same time, they praise me, they laugh at me...
萦我 跣我 性格天天變多
They surround me, they trip me up, my personality changes every day
Actually, I only have one body

Autoren: 何山@人山人海

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