折戸伸治 - 絵空事 -stratus- - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

絵空事 -stratus- - 折戸伸治Übersetzung ins Englische

絵空事 -stratus-
Unreal -stratus-
さあ これで終わりにしましょ?
Let's end this, shall we?
A love that can only lick its wounds
いつから変わった? 貴方の想い
When did it change? Your feelings
Yes, a period for two who have become used to each other
よせては返す 夢うつつな
Surging and receding, a dreamlike
思い出の波 懐かしくて
Wave of memories, nostalgic
雪で色付く 街路樹
Snow-covered trees
冬の訪れに イタむ心
A heart aching at the approach of winter
時の流れに 色褪せた
Faded by the flow of time
二人 重ねた想い
The feelings we shared
A gear that has gone mad
Vivid memories
全て 絵空事
Everything, unreal
さあ これで終わりにしましょ?
Let's end this, shall we?
A love that can only lick its wounds
いつから変わった? 貴方の想い
When did it change? Your feelings
Yes, a period for two who have become used to each other
時の流れに 色褪せた
Faded by the flow of time
二人 描いた明日
The future we drew
A gear that has gone mad
Vivid memories
全て 絵空事
Everything, unreal
さあ これで終わりにしましょ?
Let's end this, shall we?
A love that can only lick its wounds
いつから変わった? 貴方の想い
When did it change? Your feelings
Yes, a period for two who have become used to each other
ああ この全てを壊して
Oh, if I could destroy all this
If it would bring me relief
The days I spent with you
もう 棄ててしまえば... でも
I could just throw them away... but
「ゴメンネ... 貴方の幸せなんて祈れないの...」
"I'm sorry... I can't wish you happiness..."

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