Hacken Lee - 回魂夜 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

回魂夜 - 李克勤Übersetzung ins Englische

The Night of the Living Dead
門外怪聲太大 門內嚇驚小孩
Strange sounds from outside, scaring the kids inside
頭上滲出冷汗 凌晨被嚇壞
Cold sweat dripping down, terrified in the early hours
看更失蹤了 七樓跌出雪櫃
The night watchman is missing, a fridge fell from the seventh floor
越沉默越惶惑 睡床在搖擺
The more silent, the more bewildered, the bed is swaying
熒幕雪花擴大 浮現血衣小孩
The TV snow expands, a bloody child appears
誰令我整晚夜 疑雲未化解
Who made me stay up all night, the mystery remains unsolved
Amen! Amen!
We are humans, we are gods—we worship
Unidentified ghosts amplify my hallucinations
Who forced me to die, who forced me to die, who wants to take my life
縈繞心裡的吸血鬼 乘機攞我命
The vampire in my heart, takes my life when I'm vulnerable
Who strangled me, strangled me, I woke up in a fright
My rational mind is devoured, trembling with fear
Who spread the rumour of the dramatic night
They say there's a female ghost in the basement, a hallucination
我的呼吸無復鎮定 神經得要命
My breath is no longer steady, I'm on edge
床上有蚯蚓爬 頭上吊燈閃吧
There's an earthworm crawling on the bed, the chandelier above is flashing
Why is that portrait on the wall talking?
黑蝙蝠可怕 古堡快將塌下
Scary black bats, the ancient castle is about to collapse
A horror movie is playing on the TV, who realized that the story is fake?
Who forced me to die, who forced me to die, who wants to take my life
縈繞心裡的吸血鬼 乘機攞我命
The vampire in my heart, takes my life when I'm vulnerable
Who strangled me, strangled me, I woke up in a fright
My rational mind is devoured, trembling with fear
Who spread the rumour of the dramatic night
They say there's a female ghost in the basement, a hallucination
我的呼吸無復鎮定 回魂夜效應 如寒蟬效應
My breath is no longer steady, The Night of the Living Dead effect, like the chilling effect
Forced me to die, forced me to die, who wants to take my life
來睜開眼睇驚嚇片 來揸緊信念
Come, open your eyes to watch the horror movie, come, hold onto your beliefs
Escape from the real and the fake horror, always
電鋸亂劈我 不過虛驚 慘叫聲不過幻聽
The chainsaw is slashing, it's just a false alarm, the screams are just hallucinations
害怕令我害怕得釀成疫症 有些東西難被確定 才驚得要命
Fear makes me afraid, causing an epidemic, some things are hard to determine, that's why it's so frightening
拿驅魔照妖鏡 飛過絕境 飛天的本領 和魔鬼搏命
Take the exorcism mirror, fly through the danger, the ability to fly, and fight the devil

Autoren: Ruo Ning Lin, Edmond Tsang

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