The aftershock refuses to leave, tears dampen my sleeves. This forlorn dream is only beautifully hazy. I turn back and can't see anyone waiting for me.
爱云手 撩拨我愁 相爱究竟代表什么 你心乍看温柔 其实很难懂
Your hand, floating like a cloud, stirs my sorrow. What exactly does love represent? Your heart seems gentle at first glance, but is actually hard to understand.
I guess you never really wanted to have me.
当爱已太浓 最好沿着边缘走一走 量一量爱与愁 还能平衡多久
When love becomes too intense, it's best to just skirt along its edges. Measure how much love and sorrow you can still balance for how much longer.
当爱已太浓 一颗心不敢轻易惊动 心里波涛汹涌 看来却无动于衷
When love becomes too intense, a heart dares not be easily stirred. The waves in my heart surge, but it seems undisturbed on the surface.
当爱已太浓 一颗心不敢轻易惊动 闭上眼一片模糊面容
When love becomes too intense, a heart dares not be easily stirred. When I close my eyes, it becomes a blurry face.
余波不肯走 泪湿衣袖太重 残梦只美朦胧 转回头看不到谁等我
The aftershock refuses to leave, tears dampen my sleeves. This forlorn dream is only beautifully hazy. I turn back and can't see anyone waiting for me.
爱云手 撩拨我愁 相爱究竟代表什么 你心乍看温柔 其实很难懂
Your hand, floating like a cloud, stirs my sorrow. What exactly does love represent? Your heart seems gentle at first glance, but is actually hard to understand.
I guess you never really wanted to have me.
当爱已太浓 最好沿着边缘走一走 量一量爱与愁 还能平衡多久
When love becomes too intense, it's best to just skirt along its edges. Measure how much love and sorrow you can still balance for how much longer.
当爱已太浓 一颗心不敢轻易惊动 记忆中不曾听到你说 你爱我
When love becomes too intense, a heart dares not be easily stirred. In my memories, I've never heard you say that you love me.
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