汪峰 - 等待 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

等待 - 汪峰Übersetzung ins Englische

我們都在等待著 等待著明天天氣轉暖
We are all waiting for warmer weather tomorrow
等待發放貸款 等待著那些該死的股價回轉
Waiting for the loan to be issued, waiting for those damned stock prices to turn around
生活就像塊兒石頭 壓得人喘不過氣來
Life is like a stone, suffocating
無論你我怎樣拚命 依然還是在原地徘徊
No matter how hard you and I try, we are still stuck in place
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切無所期待
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything without expecting anything
我的雙眼 已經欲穿 我的想像也早已枯乾
My eyes are already bloodshot, my imagination has long since dried up
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切不曾到來
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything that has never come
我的花朵 已經凋零 而依然在這裡等待
My flowers have already withered, and I am still waiting here
我們都在等待著 等待著夢的渦輪增壓
We are all waiting for the turbo boost of our dreams
等待慾念過載 等待著高潮後痛徹的悲哀
Waitting for the desires to overload, waiting for the heartbreaking sorrow after the climax
生命像首垮掉的詩 在莫名癡迷中分裂
Life is like a collapsed poem, fragmented in inexplicable obsession
我們一邊期盼一次拯救 一邊不斷把自己出賣
We hope for a saviour while selling ourselves out
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切無所期待
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything without expecting anything
我的胸膛 已經乾癟 我的呼喊也充滿悲裂
My chest is already emaciated, my cries are filled with sorrow
我在等待 我在等待 等待的明天還未到來
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for tomorrow that has not yet come
我的眼淚 已經流乾 而依然在這裡等待
My tears have already dried up, and I am still waiting here
我們都在等待著 等待著所有善意的剝奪
We are all waiting for the deprivation of all goodwill
等待被動的墮落 等待昂貴的人生分期償還
Waiting for passive decadence, waiting for expensive life to be paid in installments
紅旗還在飄揚著 我們的臉龐那麼蒼老
The red flag is still flying, our faces are so old
每個黎明都在期盼 想像中壯麗的彼岸
Every dawn, we wait for the magnificent other shore in our imagination
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切無所期待
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything without expecting anything
我的慾望 已經分裂 我的宣言也變成呢喃
My desires have been divided, my declaration has become a murmur
我在等待 我在等待 等待的明天還未到來
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for tomorrow that has not yet come
我的大門 就要關閉 而依然在這裡等待
My door is about to close, and I am still waiting here
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切無所期待
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything without expecting anything
我的理想 正在破滅 我的信仰也正在坍塌
My ideals are being shattered, my faith is collapsing
我在等待 我在等待 等待的一切不曾到來
I am waiting, I am waiting, waiting for everything that has never come
我的尊嚴 就要碎裂 而依然在這裡等待
My dignity is about to be shattered, and I am still waiting here

Autoren: Wang Feng

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