羅文 - 柳毅傳書 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

柳毅傳書 - 羅文Übersetzung ins Englische

The Legend of Liu Yi
是緣份與天意 漫長路見斯人
It's fate and destiny, a long journey to meet this person.
燃起我心坎中暖患 千里路飛奔
Warmth ignited within my heart, a thousand-mile journey.
是全沒有私意 是從未有私心
Without any selfish motives, no selfish intentions.
Sympathy from the depths of my heart, seeking no reward.
甘心解憂滅困 世上原是惜花太少
Gladly resolving worries, eliminating distress. There are too few who cherish flowers in this world.
我盡我本份 呈奉熱腸熱血天見我盡為良心
I do my duty, offer my heart and soul. Heaven knows I act only out of conscience.
自然自發真摯 自然自發衷心
Naturally, genuinely, and sincerely.
如果有一點假意偽意 甘心粉身命損
If there's an ounce of falsehood or deceit, I willingly sacrifice my life.
(讀白) 柳毅傳書 只為仗義救人
(Narrator) The legend of Liu Yi, who helped others out of a sense of duty.
發誓酬勞不受半分 有違此誓
Vowing not to accept a single penny, if I break this vow,
甘愿五雷轟頂 萬電穿身
May I be struck by lightning, electrocuted.
皇天體鑒 我一片真心
Heaven and earth are my witnesses, my heart is pure.
愛護全是出一片真 竭盡我本份
My actions stem from a genuine desire, I give my all.
呈奉熱腸熱血天作証 未愧問良心
Offering my heart and soul, heaven is my witness. I have no regrets.
銶勞未想報答 為人盡我一心
I never seek rewards, I do my best with all my heart.
燃起我心坎中暖意 一心解憂困
Warmth ignited within my heart, my only goal is to resolve your worries.

Autoren: James Wong, Joseph Koo

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