耀樂團 - 燒了 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

燒了 - 耀樂團Übersetzung ins Englische

Burn It Down
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
我需要打火機 誰有 快給我打火機
I need a lighter, who's got it? Give me your lighter, quick
慢著 我不點煙 也不需要光源 越是黑暗的地方我越是鮮豔
Wait, I'm not lighting a cigarette or for light. The darker the place, the more vibrant I am
我已經大了 所以不害怕了 反正那些無憂無慮的事全都掛了
I've grown up so I'm not afraid anymore. All those carefree things are gone anyway
我終於相信了生活能左右人 讓你變成鬼也可以變成神
I finally believe that life can control you. It can turn you into a ghost or a god
所謂事業也罷 關於愛情也罷 我終於徹底明白錢鐘書的話
My career, my love life. I finally understand what Qian Zhongshu meant
敗了 成了 成了 又敗了 愛了 散了 散了 又愛了
Defeat, success, success, defeat again. Love, separation, separation, love again
唯一不同的是 時間人物地點事
The only thing that's different is the time, the people, the place, the matter
唯一相同的是 全都不受我控制
The only thing that's the same is, it's all out of my control
可有太多是非錯對的執念 拉扯從前
But there are too many judgments and obsessions. Dragging up the past
每段記憶之間盤根錯節 一點點把我撕裂
Each memory is tangled and intertwined. Tearing me apart bit by bit
逼退不了咒駡咆哮 不敵人言可畏
Drunkenness can't stop the curses and growls. Weakness can't stand up to malicious gossip
忍字訣 我背不下去了 我背不下去了
I can't bear the burden of patience anymore. I can't bear it anymore
Let's burn it all down.
把顧忌燒了 燒了 把介意燒了 燒了 把懷疑燒了 燒了
Burn away the worries, burn away the concerns, burn away the doubts
把拿不起的放不下去的全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away everything you can't handle or let go. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
Swaying, grooving, dancing, partying, that's how you live
把清規燒了 燒了 把戒律燒了 燒了 把桎梏燒了 燒了
Burn away the rules, burn away the commandments, burn away the constraints
那唧唧歪歪繁文縟節都全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away the nitpicking and complications. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
全都燒成灰 全都燒成灰
Burn it all to ashes. Burn it all to ashes. Fly
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
誰有打火機 誰有 誰有打火機
Who's got a lighter? Who's got it? Who's got a lighter?
我需要打火機 誰有 快給我打火機
I need a lighter, who's got it? Give me your lighter, quick
我點了根煙 吞雲吐霧 這道路太髒 我不想原地踏步
I light a cigarette, blowing smoke rings. This road is too dirty. I don't want to stay put
就這麼走吧 隨心所欲地走吧 反正看不到都說看得到的傻瓜
Let's go. Just like that. Let's go wherever we want. Anyway, those who can't see always say those who can are fools
我看到的過去 像個魔術 你像寵物 樂在其中 玩世不恭 生在其中 卻被玩弄
My past looks like a magic trick. You're like a pet, enjoying being in the game. You live in it, but you're being used
那些落魄也罷 那些金碧輝煌也罷 不過是掛在牆上供人欣賞的畫
Those failures, those successes, are nothing more than paintings on the wall for others to admire
敗了 成了 成了 又敗了 愛了 散了 散了 又愛了
Defeat, success, success, defeat again. Love, separation, separation, love again
唯一相同的是 時間人物地點事
The only thing that's the same is the time, the people, the place, the matter
唯一不同的是 全都不關我的事
The only thing that's different is, none of it has anything to do with me
可有太多是非錯對的執念 拉扯從前
But there are too many judgments and obsessions. Dragging up the past
每段記憶之間盤根錯節 一點點把我撕裂
Each memory is tangled and intertwined. Tearing me apart bit by bit
逼退不了咒駡咆哮 不敵人言可畏
Drunkenness can't stop the curses and growls. Weakness can't stand up to malicious gossip
忍字訣 我背不下去了 我背不下去了
I can't bear the burden of patience anymore. I can't bear it anymore
Let's burn it all down.
把顧忌燒了 燒了 把介意燒了 燒了 把懷疑燒了 燒了
Burn away the worries, burn away the concerns, burn away the doubts
把拿不起的放不下去的全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away everything you can't handle or let go. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
Swaying, grooving, dancing, partying, that's how you live
把清規燒了 燒了 把戒律燒了 燒了 把桎梏燒了 燒了
Burn away the rules, burn away the commandments, burn away the constraints
那唧唧歪歪繁文縟節都全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away the nitpicking and complications. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
全都燒成灰 全都燒成灰
Burn it all to ashes. Burn it all to ashes. Fly
把顧忌燒了 燒了 把介意燒了 燒了 把懷疑燒了 燒了
Burn away the worries, burn away the concerns, burn away the doubts
把拿不起的放不下去的全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away everything you can't handle or let go. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
Swaying, grooving, dancing, partying, that's how you live
把清規燒了 燒了 把戒律燒了 燒了 把桎梏燒了 燒了
Burn away the rules, burn away the commandments, burn away the constraints
那唧唧歪歪繁文縟節都全部燒了 燒了 一把火燒了 燒了
Burn away the nitpicking and complications. Burn it all down. In one fiery blaze
全都燒成灰 全都燒成灰
Burn it all to ashes. Burn it all to ashes. Fly

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