I have to make it up for the sins committed by her Doesn't matter whose fault it is, Her wrongdoings will cause him to be committed to seek a breakthrough I just have to be like the little constellation
此世代內 難尋幸福 到處亦是圍牆 與你盪漾無人大海裏 在與風飄盪
It's hard to find happiness in this generation Everywhere is filled with walls You and I swing in the lonesome boundless sea And the wind carries us away
錯 錯總是我 永遠沒諧和結果 讓 讓這宇宙錯誤更多
It's always my fault It never ends up well Let the universe make more mistakes
錯 錯的是我 在日後靜思己過 以免攜手一起製造災禍
It's my fault I'll think about it quietly later To prevent us from creating disasters together
此世代內 難尋幸福 到處亦是圍牆 與你盪漾無人大海裏 再翻起風浪
It's hard to find happiness in this generation Everywhere is filled with walls You and I swing in the lonesome boundless sea And the wind becomes choppy
錯 錯總是我 永遠沒諧和結果 讓 讓這宇宙錯誤更多
It's always my fault It never ends up well Let the universe make more mistakes
錯 錯的是我 在日後靜思己過 以免攜手一起製造災禍
It's my fault I'll think about it quietly later To prevent us from creating disasters together
錯 錯總是我 永遠沒諧和結果 讓 讓這宇宙錯誤更多
It's always my fault It never ends up well Let the universe make more mistakes
錯 錯的是我 在日後靜思己過 以免攜手一起製造災禍
It's my fault I'll think about it quietly later To prevent us from creating disasters together
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