Elva Hsiao - 鑽石糖 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

鑽石糖 - 蕭亞軒Übersetzung ins Englische

Diamond Candy
戀愛就像選糖 別再眼盲
Love is like choosing candy, don't be blind
睜大眼光 別輕易投降
Open your eyes wide, don't surrender easily
好看的包裝 不一定高尚
Beautiful packaging isn't necessarily high quality
打開再欣賞 有沒有中獎
Open it up and see if you've won the prize
別擔心 勇敢去嘗 每一顆 都有希望
Don't worry, be brave and try, every piece holds hope
沒有人 不會受傷 選對糖 讓你閃閃發亮
No one goes unscathed, choose the right candy and you'll sparkle
閃亮鑽石糖 是甜蜜的夢想
Sparkling diamond candy, a sweet dream
我們都在想像 快樂的配方
We're all imagining the recipe for happiness
閃亮鑽石糖 有幸福的光芒
Sparkling diamond candy, with the glow of happiness
當對的人出場 會散發那道光
When the right one comes along, it will radiate that light
他有沒有肩膀 會不會是軟糖
Does he have broad shoulders? Or is he a softie?
熱情是否夠長 溫暖著心房
Is his passion long-lasting enough to warm my heart?
賞味期等待 保存期收藏
The best before date awaits, the shelf life to be cherished
愛的理想對象 掌握在自己手上
The ideal object of affection is in my own hands
Happiness is in your hands
失戀就像苦糖 試吃沒保障
Heartbreak is like bitter candy, no guarantees with a sample
酸甜苦辣 敢試就要堅強
Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, if you dare to try, you must be strong
熱戀就像蜜糖 鑽漾的光芒
Being in love is like honey candy, a dazzling shimmer
誰都別想搶 要風靡全場
No one can steal it, I want to captivate everyone
別擔心 勇敢去嘗 每一顆 都有希望
Don't worry, be brave and try, every piece holds hope
沒有人 不會受傷 選對糖 讓你閃閃發亮
No one goes unscathed, choose the right candy and you'll sparkle
閃亮鑽石糖 是甜蜜的夢想
Sparkling diamond candy, a sweet dream
我們都在想像 快樂的配方
We're all imagining the recipe for happiness
閃亮鑽石糖 有幸福的光芒
Sparkling diamond candy, with the glow of happiness
當對的人出場 會散發那道光
When the right one comes along, it will radiate that light
他有沒有肩膀 會不會是軟糖
Does he have broad shoulders? Or is he a softie?
熱情是否夠長 溫暖著心房
Is his passion long-lasting enough to warm my heart?
賞味期等待 保存期收藏
The best before date awaits, the shelf life to be cherished
愛的理想對象 掌握在自己手上
The ideal object of affection is in my own hands
Happiness is in your hands
我不想生活總好像 被寂寞搞的絕望
I don't want to live like I'm always driven to despair by loneliness
我期待遇到那真愛 帶我旅行四方 Oh 愛的一個秘方 就要勇敢去愛
I'm hoping to meet that true love who'll take me traveling the world Oh, the secret to love is to be brave and love
閃亮鑽石糖 是甜蜜的夢想
Sparkling diamond candy, a sweet dream
我們都在想像 快樂的配方
We're all imagining the recipe for happiness
閃亮鑽石糖 有幸福的光芒
Sparkling diamond candy, with the glow of happiness
當對的人出場 會散發那道光
When the right one comes along, it will radiate that light
他有沒有肩膀 會不會是軟糖
Does he have broad shoulders? Or is he a softie?
熱情是否夠長 溫暖著心房
Is his passion long-lasting enough to warm my heart?
賞味期等待 保存期收藏
The best before date awaits, the shelf life to be cherished
愛的理想對象 掌握在自己手上
The ideal object of affection is in my own hands
Happiness is in your hands
掌握在自己手上 幸福掌握在你手上
In my own hands, happiness is in your hands
In your hands

Autoren: Wayne Anthony Hector, Matthew R.t. Gerrard

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