農夫 - 冇你就冇我 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

冇你就冇我 - 農夫Übersetzung ins Englische

Without You, There Wouldn't Be Me
Follow our hand gestures
Left hand, right hand, clap together
This sound is called encouragement
我哋 一二 一齊嚟
Let's do it together, one, two
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
送俾在坐 咁多個 冇你就冇我
For you all, without you, there wouldn't be me
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
唔使囉嗦 咪講咗 冇你就冇我
No need to make a fuss, I've said it, without you, there wouldn't be me
Hi 喺呢一個所有人都睇流量嘅世界
Hi, in this world where everyone cares about traffic
You still watch two useless people with no traffic at all
我唔知你點解 咁變態
I don't know why you are so weird
你啲品味係怪 但係我多謝你嘅選擇冇咁例牌
Your taste is strange, but I appreciate your unconventional choice
我哋做綜藝嘅表演嘉賓 明明責任係氹你開心
We're here to entertain you, but we don't want to suck up to you
就算係掯都係鯁 又唔肯扮低能
Even if we make you laugh, it's not because we're clowns
That's not our way of being funny
要我扮女人 sorry 我唔係嗰類人
Don't ask me to dress up as a woman, I'm not that kind of person
販賣好男人 太造作好難忍
Pretending to be a good man is too pretentious, it's hard to bear
我啲演技冇咁逼真 費事太假觀眾識分
My acting is not that good, don't fake it, the audience can tell
喺娛樂圈唔專心 唔專登娛樂人
In the entertainment industry, but not focused on entertaining people
You've supported us all the way
We are indeed lost souls in a foreign land
我哋係農夫 6永 C君
We are Nong Fu, 6 Yong, C Jun
你哋係農夫 恩人 知音
You are Nong Fu, our benefactors, our confidants
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
送俾在坐 咁多個 冇你就冇我
For you all, without you, there wouldn't be me
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
唔使囉嗦 咪講咗 冇你就冇我
No need to make a fuss, I've said it, without you, there wouldn't be me
我哋係今晚嘅表演嘉賓 希望冇令你悶親
We're the performers tonight. I hope you didn't get bored
講到搞氣氛 最認真 我哋認冠軍
Speaking of creating a good atmosphere, we're the champions
話時話 而家興咩年青文化
By the way, what's popular in youth culture these days?
睇怕 都唔係我呢啲 老派嘻哈
I'm afraid my old-fashioned hip-hop is no longer trendy
Dinner, movies, driving, dating, massages, soccer
But you chose to come see me sing a song tonight
我又唔係你邊個 歌手有萬千個
I'm not your favorite singer. There are thousands of them
有kpop 有rock 有中樂 點解你哋會揀我
There's K-pop, rock, and Chinese music. Why did you choose me?
冇知音 就冇需要 表演嘉賓
Without confidants, there would be no need for performers
冇在座每一個人 就冇台上呢兩個人
Without each and every one of you, there would be no us
You have more confidence in me than I have in myself
掌聲俾我哋至奇 俾啲掌聲你自己
The applause is for us, but also for yourselves
Follow our hand gestures
Left hand, right hand, clap together
This sound is called encouragement
我哋 一二 一齊嚟
Let's do it together, one, two
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
送俾在坐 咁多個 冇你就冇我
For you all, without you, there wouldn't be me
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
唔使囉嗦 咪講咗 冇你就冇我
No need to make a fuss, I've said it, without you, there wouldn't be me
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
送俾在坐 咁多個 冇你就冇我
For you all, without you, there wouldn't be me
俾啲掌聲 不過 唔使俾我兩個
Give us some applause, but not for us
We're strangers, just want to sing a song for you
而家到我 Woo (Woo)
It's my turn now. Woo! (Woo!)
唔使囉嗦 咪講咗 冇你就冇我
No need to make a fuss, I've said it, without you, there wouldn't be me

Autoren: . 6 Wing, . C Kwan

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