農夫 - 成長第四部曲 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

成長第四部曲 - 農夫Übersetzung ins Englische

Age of Growth, Part 4
飲杯酒我幫你倒 點支煙借火我冇
I'll pour you a drink, but don't ask me for a light
年輕的你都 開始見到 髪線有啲白毛
You're starting to see gray hairs in your hairline, young one
飲多杯你幫我倒 整多飛借火我冇
Pour me another drink, and get yourself one, too. But don't ask me for a light
大家都老 冇乜恐怖 到老有老的路途 我帶路
We're all getting old, it's nothing to be afraid of. When you get old, I'll show you the way
老友 你以前冬天都著短袖
You used to wear short sleeves in the winter
好快你夏天都著褸 以前你打機打到機不離手
Before you know it, you'll be wearing a jacket in the summer. You used to be glued to your video games
到買咗啲 game 淨係擺喺台頭 由槍槍爆頭到最後接受
Now you've bought a bunch of games that just sit on your shelf. You used to be a sharpshooter, but now you've accepted
真係唔夠 啲靚仔鬥 好快你會講養生
That you're not good enough to compete with those young punks. You'll be talking about health before you know it
開冷氣又唔肯 食炸嘢又唔敢
You won't want to turn on the air conditioning, and you won't dare eat anything fried
凍嘢又唔飲 但係夜又唔肯瞓
You won't drink anything cold, but you'll still stay up late
以前你仲係細路 成日話唔好 理我啦老竇老母
You used to be a kid, always telling me to leave you alone, Dad
到你做人父母 又會苦惱 俾啲仔女搞到好燥
Now you're a parent yourself, and you're tearing your hair out over your kids
你投訴樓價高 到離譜 你要租到離島
You complain about how outrageous the housing prices are
But when you finally buy a two-bedroom flat, you'll want it to be worth more
啱啱出到嚟做嘢 見到班老嘢 覺得係廢嘅 hea
When you first started working, you thought all those old guys were useless and lazy
到你做老闆 又話班後生 散漫 又貪
But now that you're the boss, you're complaining about how the young people are lazy and entitled
唔同嘅年紀 唔同嘅角度 唔同嘅矛盾 同一條路
Different ages, different perspectives, different conflicts, same path
細路 睇到 廢老 喺到 擋路 講到 冇樣 嘢好
Kids, looking at the old people, blocking their way, saying they're worthless
終於 見到 自己 變老 殊途 同路 換個 角度
Finally, seeing themselves getting old, the same path, changing perspectives
點做 點做
How, how to do it right?
飲杯酒我幫你倒 點支煙借火我冇
I'll pour you a drink, but don't ask me for a light
年輕的你都 開始見到 髮線有啲白毛
You're starting to see gray hairs in your hairline, young one
飲多杯你幫我倒 整多飛借火我冇
Pour me another drink, and get yourself one, too. But don't ask me for a light
大家都老 冇乜恐怖 到老有老的路途 我帶路
We're all getting old, it's nothing to be afraid of. When you get old, I'll show you the way
飲返杯 以前你 飲通頂都奉陪
Let's have a drink. You used to be able to stay up all night drinking with me
而家話易攰 第二朝又要開會
But now you say you get tired easily, and you have to go to a meeting in the morning
冇啦啦 生酮飲食法 斷食 168
Out of nowhere, you're on the keto diet, fasting for 16 hours a day
已經好耐冇自拍 開始少少 M 字額
It's been a long time since you took a selfie. You're starting to get a little bit of a receding hairline
你開始多咗想當年 講以前
You've started talking about the old days a lot
慨嘆個世界變 係變老嘅表現
Sighing about how the world has changed. That's a sign of getting old
The boy inside you thinks he's the center of the world
Always reminiscing about how great his generation was
佢話塞錢入你袋 你話老嘢彈開
He tells you to take his money, but you tell him to get lost
The worst part is when two generations try to force each other to change
佢唔逼你聽劉華 你都唔駛逼佢聽嘻哈
He doesn't force you to listen to Andy Lau, and you don't have to force him to listen to hip-hop
嗰陣你阿媽個阿媽話 梗係聽帝女花
Back in the day, your grandmother told you to listen to Teresa Teng
八十後都曾經 係廢青嘅代號
The 80s generation was once called the "useless youth"
到今日 全部中女中佬
But now they're all middle-aged
十七年華 眨嚇眼變 大叔大媽
17 years old, blink and you're a middle-aged man or woman
到時又會有後生出嚟謾罵 你唔理解佢文化
And then there will be a new generation of kids who will scold you for not understanding their culture
你會選擇摑佢一巴 定係聽完就罷
Will you slap them in the face, or will you just listen and let it go?
耳又聾 眼花花 不如話 反正大家
Your ears are deaf, your eyes are dim. You might as well say
最後都變老人家 放鬆吓 放下
"We're all going to get old someday. Relax and let go."
Age gracefully
飲杯酒我幫你倒 點支煙借火我冇
I'll pour you a drink, but don't ask me for a light
年輕的你都 開始見到 髮線有啲白毛
You're starting to see gray hairs in your hairline, young one
飲多杯你幫我倒 整多飛借火我冇
Pour me another drink, and get yourself one, too. But don't ask me for a light
大家都老 冇乜恐怖 到老有老的路途 我帶路
We're all getting old, it's nothing to be afraid of. When you get old, I'll show you the way

Autoren: C Kwan

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