達明一派 - 達明一派對 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

達明一派對 - 達明一派Übersetzung ins Englische

Party with Tat Ming Pair
從前在聖詩班的偉業嗎 國慶派對再次遇見他
Your former achievements in the choir? I met him again at the National Day party
移民外國的他屋也賣了 這個聖誕該高興一下
He emigrated abroad and sold his house. We should be happy this Christmas
*迷上他 忘記他 逾廿週年吧
*I am obsessed with him. Forget about him. It has been over 20 years,
看你看我 今天如何造化
Look at you. Look at me. What are we like today?
如尾巴 和尾巴 還是相連著
Like the tail and the tail, we are still linked together
你那結尾 請申報一下
Please declare your situation
墳前被獻花的他有十個 那晚那裡那個在救火
Ten people laid flowers on his tomb. Who was putting out the fire that night
誰人話這史詩一揭就過 個個也記得它發生過
Who said that this epic is over as soon as it is revealed? Everyone remembers it happened
*從前成員齊集嗎 個個老了胖了嗎
*Have all the members gathered? Are they all old and fat?
聽說某某 去向未明 下落待查
I heard that someone was missing and their whereabouts are unknown
仍然流行懷舊嗎 看你記性有幾差
Is nostalgia still popular? Let's see how bad your memory is
唱到這裡 漏了幾個 他他他 她她她
I've missed a few people here. He, he, he, she, she, she
仍然酷愛叱吒於馬路嗎 老了個個變了極愛家
Are you still keen on rocking on the road? You are all old and home-loving now
還留下那雙金色雪屐嗎 到半百歲可想著一下
Do you still keep those golden snowshoes? Think about it when you are 50 years old
禁色和禁果 仍被保存吧這世界有否給潛移默化
Are the forbidden colors and fruits still preserved? Has this world changed you silently?
離過家 回了家 仍住中環吧 信有帶到新居裡燒嗎
Away from home and back home, still living in Central? Did you bring the letter to the new house and burn it?
從前豪情還在嗎 世故了也未算差
Is the former passion still there? It's not bad to be worldly-wise
偶爾有個 壯志未酬 不必驚詫
Occasionally, someone has an unfulfilled ambition. Don't be surprised
前行還能前衛嗎 念舊又是落伍嗎
Can you still be avant-garde moving forward? Is reminiscing outdated?
過去過了 但至少也 將火把 交給他
The past is gone, but at least hand the torch to him
他他他 她她她 它它它 它它它
He, he, he, she, she, she, it, it, it, it, it, it

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