高爾宣 OSN - 跟著高爾宣來場米拉松 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

跟著高爾宣來場米拉松 - 高爾宣 OSNÜbersetzung ins Englische

Join OSN Gaoerxuan for a Marathon
Yeah 你跨出你的第一步了嗎? That's good man. That's real good!
Yeah have you taken your first step? That's good man. That's real good!
When both feet leave the ground, it's running, very slow, no problem. I'm telling you, run a marathon with me!
我先跟大家自我介紹,我是高爾宣 OSN。 我不常跑步,如果你也不常跑步
Let me introduce myself. I'm OSN Gaoerxuan. I don't run often, if you don't run often
,You are my man! 慢慢跑,我們邊跑邊聊
, You are my man! Run slowly, we can chat while running.
我從來沒有想過要跑馬拉松 ,我知道你也是,所以現在才在跑這個米拉松。
I never thought about running a marathon, and I know neither do you, so now I'm running this marathon.
然後什麼是米拉松?我來解釋一下。米拉松是什麼?米拉松就是一公里以內的跑步,就是一個很開心、很輕鬆的跑步。 你只要跑,短短的距離,不管你跑多長、或是你不用跑特別遠,你只要跑一點點,那就算一種米拉松 。就是給一些平常不太愛跑步的人那樣 是一個初心者的感覺。
And what is a marathon? Let me explain. What is a marathon? A marathon is a run of less than a kilometer, which is a very happy and relaxed run. All you need to do is run, a short distance, regardless of how long you run, or you don't have to run very far, you just need to run a little bit, and that's a kind of marathon. It's for those who don't usually like running, so it's a beginner's feeling.
Alright 接下來幾分鐘,就讓我來陪你一起跑一個米拉松。
Alright for the next few minutes, let me accompany you on a marathon.
像我,我平常都待在家,我都在玩遊戲。所以其實我知道跑步對我們這種不常運動的人來講,其實真的算蠻難的。可是你相信我,你只要多跑,你會越跑越輕鬆。 你一開始你可能會喘得要死,可是跑到後面,man, 你會找到對的方法。
Like me, I usually stay at home, play games. So I know running is actually quite difficult for people like us who don't exercise often. But trust me, the more you run, the easier it will be. You may be panting to death at first, but after a while, man, you'll find the right way.
跑這個,你只要放鬆,你身體真的要很放鬆,讓自己的身體找到一個最自然的動作。然後呼吸非常重要,讓我來跟你分享兩招 Nike 教練教我的跑步訣竅,讓你輕鬆的進化。
Running this, just relax, you really need to relax your body, let your body find the most natural movement. And breathing is very important, let me share with you two tips for running that Nike coaches taught me, to help you evolve easily.
首先,呼吸齁 吸兩口氣吐一口,我現在要呼吸給你們聽,你要 這樣子,吸吸吐,有沒有,這個我小學的時候田徑隊我也有學過 。你只要吸飽氣你就不會喘,你累的感覺,就不會那麼累 ,你就會跑得,輕鬆自在,非常酷,你現在試試看。
First of all, breathe, take two breaths and exhale, I'm going to breathe for you now, you have to breathe like this, inhale, inhale, exhale, yes, I learned this in track and field when I was in elementary school. As long as you inhale deeply, you won't pant, and you won't feel so tired, you'll run, relaxed, very cool, try it now.
Yes, the second trick is to keep your head down a little bit. I mean, your eyes should be looking at the floor two or three meters ahead, this posture will make your body lean forward a little, creating an inertial forward motion, it's like it will automatically make you run forward, not only cool, not only beautiful, but also very relaxing.
對了,跑起來你是不是有感覺到,跑鞋,真的非常重要,其實真的重要。你不一定要買超跑,但買一雙超好跑的鞋,真的是值得。好的跑鞋,穿起來就有一種腳上加裝引擎的感覺,很順、很省力,像我現在穿的這雙Nike Joyride,鞋底的緩震顆粒會很聰明的幫腳釋放壓力,而且很軟,真的很軟,他那個感覺就像你踩在一個豬、豬鼻子上面,就是你每一步都讓你bounce,把你這樣子往前彈的感覺,那感覺真的很棒。我是真心推薦,man,我真的喜歡雙鞋,現在Nike很多店面都有跑步機,你去試穿Joyride,跑跑看,你就會知道我在說什麼, 真的。跑到這,你如果有用那個Nike教練教我的那兩招,你一定會變得比較不喘,對不對,而且你會抓到節奏。
By the way, when you run, do you feel that running shoes are really important? Actually, they are really important. You don't have to buy a supercar, but buying a pair of super comfortable running shoes is really worth it. When you put on good running shoes, it feels like you have an engine on your feet, it's very smooth, and it saves a lot of energy. For example, this pair of Nike Joyride I'm wearing now, the cushioning particles in the sole can cleverly help relieve the pressure on the feet, and it's very soft, really soft, it feels like you're stepping on a pig's nose, which is like bouncing you every step of the way, and it feels really good. I highly recommend it, man, I really like this pair of shoes, now Nike has running machines in many stores, go and try on Joyride, and you'll know what I'm talking about, really. When you get to this point, if you use the two tricks that the Nike coach taught me, you will definitely become less short of breath, right, and you will get the rhythm.
I've actually been trying to run recently, and when I'm running, I think of some strange things, let me share them with you.
什麼奇怪的東西呢?就是 punchline ,我們饒舌歌手就是要想一些 punchline。 Punchline 就是一個記憶點,你要想一個歌詞,然後要有力道。 這種東西其實是需要在比較放鬆的時候,你如果刻意去想有點想不到。我都會靠跑步來想這些東西,然後加上其實我最近工作壓力也蠻大的,所以其實跑步可以釋放我很多很緊的情緒。
What strange things? That's punchline, we rappers have to think of some punchline. A punchline is a memorable point, you have to come up with a lyric, and it has to be powerful. This kind of thing actually needs to be done when you are more relaxed, and you can't really come up with it if you try to think about it deliberately. I always come up with these things while running, and besides, I've been under a lot of work pressure recently, so running can actually release a lot of my very tense emotions.
沒有錯,對,除了想這些 punchline,我另外會想的事情就是我等下要吃什麼。因為我真的很愛吃很好吃的東西,我每一次工作結束,我只要可能有賺到一些錢,我就會覺得我要慰勞自己,要吃一個胖的、吃一個貴的。也不是說貴啦,就是比較精緻一點的食物 所以我在跑步的時候會想這些東西。
That's right, yes, apart from thinking about these punchline, another thing I think about is what I'm going to eat later. Because I really love to eat delicious things, every time I finish work, as long as I may have earned some money, I feel that I have to reward myself, to eat something fattening, to eat something expensive. It's not expensive, but it's a little more refined, so I think about these things when I'm running.
如果你不愛吃,man that's cool, it's alright! 那我推薦你聽音樂,一定要聽音樂,因為你如果聽那種比較抒情的歌,你的腳步就會慢一點。如果你聽一些比較噪的,你可能就會跑得比較快,我覺得聽音樂對跑步非常有幫助 因為你身體會自然而然去跟著那些律動, that's good, man.
If you don't like to eat, man that's cool, it's alright! Then I recommend you listen to music, you must listen to music, because if you listen to the kind of lyrical songs, your steps will be slower. If you listen to the kind of noisy songs, you may run faster. I think music is very helpful for running because your body will naturally follow the rhythm, that's good, man.
我講好久,我口渴了,你咧?你是不是很累啊? 你要不要喝口水?
I've been talking for so long, I'm thirsty, what about you? Are you very tired? Do you want to drink some water?
如果你跑到熱血沸騰、停不下來,It's okay 你繼續跑,米拉松就該這樣,你想跑就跑,不爽跑不要跑。跟聽歌是一樣的事嘛,就你想聽就聽,你不爽聽不要聽, 不要罵人嘛,奇怪了,就做自己喜歡做的事嘛。OP,我走心了。
If you run until you're hot and sweaty and can't stop, It's okay, keep running, that's what a marathon is all about, run if you want to, don't run if you don't want to. It's the same thing as listening to music, listen if you want to, don't listen if you don't want to, don't swear, it's strange, just do what you like to do. OP, I'm getting emotional.
如果你想要成為一個跑步很厲害的人,你一定要先喜歡上跑步。其實做每一件事情都是這樣,你一定要非常熱愛它,才會在這上面愈來愈精進 而且不會有壓力,因為你太愛這件事情了。
If you want to be a great runner, you must first love running. In fact, it's the same with everything you do, you must love it very much, and then you will become more and more proficient in it, and there will be no pressure, because you love this thing too much.
然後最後為了不破壞這個米拉松的中心思想,跑完記得要收操,然後順手拍張照上傳 IG instagram, Hashtag ENJOY THE RUN。
And finally, in order not to destroy the central idea of this marathon, remember to warm up after you finish, and then take a picture and upload it to IG instagram, Hashtag ENJOY THE RUN.
你下次想跑米拉松的話你再揪我,我是高爾宣 OSN,
If you want to run a marathon next time, you can invite me, I'm OSN Gaoerxuan,
Peace out.
Peace out.

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