黃宥傑 - 岸 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

- 黃宥傑Übersetzung ins Englische

你站在河的左岸 不時低頭計算
You stand on the left bank of the river and look down from time to time.
多少玫瑰花瓣 能織成紅毯
How many rose petals can be woven into a red carpet
為什麼夢都圓滿 醒來卻兩斷
Why did you wake up with a complete dream but you broke it twice?
一場浪漫 用多久心酸 分期付款
How long does it take for a romance to be sad and pay in installments?
我沿著河的右岸 匆忙趕下一站
I hurried to the next stop along the right bank of the river
多少腳步凌亂 能消磨遺憾
How many messy steps can kill regrets
衝動靠摩擦取暖 被原諒解散
The urge to keep warm by rubbing is forgiven.
雙人床單 滾亂再更換 新的孤單
The double bed rolls around and then replaces with a new one.
愛人吶到底有多難 千山萬水原地遣返
My love, how difficult is it to return to the plains of thousands of mountains and rivers?
失眠時催眠自己 相信有一天會到達對岸
Hypnotize yourself when you have insomnia, believing that one day you will reach the other side
怎會在花火絢爛 轉身懷念起平凡
How can you miss the ordinary when the flowers are gorgeous?
看青春消失在 變幻的雲端
Watch youth disappear in the changing clouds
當問題問成了循環 幸不幸福誰說了算
When the question is asked, who is in charge of whether you are happy or not?
我們不敢問自己 哪天才能夠到得了對岸
We dare not ask ourselves which day we can get to the other side
太習慣左顧右盼 有誰在燈火闌珊
I'm too used to looking around and looking for someone who is dimly lit
何時會 懂得欣賞 微笑拈花的釋然
When will I know how to appreciate the relief of smiling?
我們在愛的兩岸 心都缺著一半
We are missing half of our hearts on both sides of love
多少冒險犯難 才證明勇敢
How many risks and difficulties do you prove to be brave?
舊的用新的沖淡 回頭已不是岸
It's no longer the shore to dilute the old with the new.
人來人往 我們還在找 無解答案
People come and go, we are still looking for unanswered questions
愛人吶到底有多難 千山萬水原地遣返
My love, how difficult is it to return to the plains of thousands of mountains and rivers?
失眠時催眠自己 相信有一天會到達對岸
Hypnotize yourself when you have insomnia, believing that one day you will reach the other side
怎會在花火絢爛 轉身懷念起平凡
How can you miss the ordinary when the flowers are gorgeous?
看青春消失在 變幻的雲端
Watch youth disappear in the changing clouds
當問題問成了循環 幸不幸福誰說了算
When the question is asked, who is in charge of whether you are happy or not?
我們不敢問自己 哪天才能夠到得了對岸
We dare not ask ourselves which day we can get to the other side
太習慣左顧右盼 有誰在燈火闌珊
I'm too used to looking around and looking for someone who is dimly lit
何時會 懂得欣賞 微笑拈花的釋然
When will I know how to appreciate the relief of smiling?

Autoren: Wen Liang Fang (aka Wu Er Qi), Chong Er

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