黃耀明 - 四大皆空 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

四大皆空 - 黃耀明Übersetzung ins Englische

The Four Great Voids
曲: 梁基爵@人山人海 填詞: 林夕 編: GayBird@人山人海
Music: Leung Kei Keuk @Genteel Folk Lyrics: Lam See Arranged: GayBird@Genteel Folk
3.32 世深宮 橋寒路凍 進退 皆空
3.32 A secluded palace, a bridge cold and frozen. Where to go next, unknown.
上天宮 愛惡 濛朧 要你 精忠
Soaring to the heavens, love and hate become unclear. You demand my unyielding loyalty.
氣當胸 磨拳擦掌 再創 天空
Pride swells in my chest, I clench my fists, ready to conquer the skies once more.
傾西宮 在權力中心點最易 失蹤
At the heart of power, it is easy to stumble and vanish without a trace.
*成敗也 為權也 為人紅 欲變天 與地總 惹異動
*Success or failure, for power or for fame, if you desire to change the world, it will shake the heavens and the earth.
常言立 下大功 禍因 早種 之後要四大也 皆空
The adage goes, to perform great deeds invites disaster. In the end, all four great voids must be embraced.
忘掉十 萬大軍 謙虛 不碰 方能免妒忌再
Forget the countless soldiers, humility and detachment can free you from envy and further exploitation.
既是代 為奴 無權無 為無 失去簇擁 有心有 何用
If you are destined to be a servant for generations, powerless and shapeless, without the support of the wind, what use is ambition?
於這千 秋有功 甘棄千 秋好夢 立地頂天 怎算 沒有用*
In this age of countless contributions, you are willing to give up your dreams of a thousand autumns. To stand tall and unyielding, how can you say it is useless?
曲: 梁基爵@人山人海 填詞: 林夕 編: GayBird@人山人海
Music: Leung Kei Keuk @Genteel Folk Lyrics: Lam See Arranged: GayBird@Genteel Folk
1.43 (不恃功成而不居 不居是以不去)
1.43 (Do not rely on your achievements, do not dwell on them. By not dwelling on them, you will not lose them.)
(水利萬物而不爭 故曰上善若水)
(Water benefits all things without contention. Therefore, it is said that the highest good is like water.)
世爭寵 前行路窄 擴闊 心胸
In times of chaos, the path to favor is narrow. Expand your mind.
開深宮 在朝在野 都可笑
Leave the palace, in the court or in the wild, you can still soar through the sky.
*成敗也 為權也 為人紅 欲變天 與地總 惹異動
*Success or failure, for power or for fame, if you desire to change the world, it will shake the heavens and the earth.
常言立 下大功 禍因 早種 之後要四大也 皆空
The adage goes, to perform great deeds invites disaster. In the end, all four great voids must be embraced.
忘掉十 萬大軍 謙虛 不碰 方能免妒忌再
Forget the countless soldiers, humility and detachment can free you from envy and further exploitation.
既是代 為奴 無權無 為無 失去簇擁 有心有 何用
If you are destined to be a servant for generations, powerless and shapeless, without the support of the wind, what use is ambition?
於這千 秋有功 甘棄千 秋好夢 立地頂天 怎算 沒有用*
In this age of countless contributions, you are willing to give up your dreams of a thousand autumns. To stand tall and unyielding, how can you say it is useless?
寸步若是難動 為何仍然愚忠 不會爭寵 有心有 何用
If every step is difficult, why do you remain blindly loyal? You cannot seek favor, what use is ambition?
想於千 秋有功 先棄千 秋好夢 讀道德經 不會恨 有用
To have countless contributions in a thousand autumns, first give up the dreams of a thousand autumns. Read the Tao Te Ching, you will not regret its lessons.
曲: 梁基爵@人山人海 填詞: 林夕 編: GayBird@人山人海
Music: Leung Kei Keuk @Genteel Folk Lyrics: Lam See Arranged: GayBird@Genteel Folk

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