黃耀明 - 春光乍洩 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

春光乍洩 - 黃耀明Übersetzung ins Englische

Fleeting Springtime
你以目光感受 浪漫寧靜宇宙
You sense romance and tranquility in the cosmos with your gaze,
總不及兩手 輕輕滿身漫遊
But it can't compare to the gentle caress of two hands roaming freely over your body.
再見日光之後 慾望融掉以後
When the sun sets and desire melts away,
那表情會否 同樣溫柔
Will your expression remain as tender?
Passion and infatuation fade easily,
So don't let this fleeting spring night go to waste.
難道你可遮掩著身體 來分享一切
Can you truly expose your body and share it all?
The more anticipation, the greater the delight.
Let this spring night be our substitute.
難道要等青春全枯萎 至得到一切
Must we wait for our youth to wither away before we have it all?
你我在等天亮 或在沉默醞釀
Are we waiting for dawn or stewing in silence?
以嘴唇揭開 講不了的遐想
Let our lips reveal unspoken fantasies.
你我或者一樣 日夜尋覓對象
Perhaps we're both searching for a companion day and night,
卻朝夕妄想 來日方長
Yet we dream of a distant future.
Passion and infatuation fade easily,
So don't let this fleeting spring night go to waste.
難道你可遮掩著身體 來分享一切
Can you truly expose your body and share it all?
The more anticipation, the greater the delight.
Let this spring night be our substitute.
難道要等青春全枯萎 至得到一切
Must we wait for our youth to wither away before we have it all?
Passion and infatuation fade easily,
So don't let this fleeting spring night go to waste.
難道你可遮掩著身體 來分享一切
Can you truly expose your body and share it all?
The more anticipation, the greater the delight.
Let this spring night be our substitute.
難道要等一千零一世 才互相安慰
Must we wait a thousand and one nights to find solace in each other?

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