Dwon - Moj Hustle - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dwon - Moj Hustle

Moj Hustle
My Hustle
Lej ne me iskat, tezko me bos najdu
Don't look for me, baby, you'll have a hard time finding me
Vozm cez ulce, vedno na grindu
I cruise through the streets, always on my grind
Tko mi je pasal, tko sm se znajdu
How I felt, how I found myself
To je moj hustle, do konca bom rajdu
This is my hustle, I'll ride it till the end
Tisoc en flow za tisoc en folk
A thousand and one flows for a thousand and one folks
Tisoc en pek za tisoc en blok
A thousand and one looks for a thousand and one blocks
Na tisoce evrov cez tisoce rok
Thousands of euros through thousands of hands
Moram ti rect ker ne vem ce ves kok
I gotta tell you 'cause I don't know if you know how much
Ne bede ne krede folk dela kar sede
No begging, no borrowing, people do what they do sitting down
Hitr je lajf in te hitr namede
Life is fast and it quickly messes you up
Zmede kt droge v tem vem ze bli ste
Confuses you like drugs, I've been there, you see
Res da smo drugi sam zgodbe so iste
True, we're different, but the stories are the same
Vedno odvisne od tebe in druzbe
Always dependent on you and the company you keep
Ulca ma virus k hitr okuz te
The street has a virus that infects you quickly
Ozke so zenice oci so minusi
Narrow pupils, eyes are minuses
Polna so pluca brt in polni sinusi
Lungs are full, bro, and sinuses are full
In vem da vidu si da za tole ti ni zdravila
And I know you see there's no cure for this, girl
Sam glej da uzivu si nobena noc se nau vrnila
Just make sure you enjoy it, no night ever comes back
Nocem ne dnarja, nism v igri zard te fame
I don't want the money, I'm not in the game for the fame
Sam da ustvarjam to kar vrjamem sam to je zame
Just to create what I believe in, that's what it's all about for me
Vesolje podarja jst se zahvalm skoz k uzamem
The universe gives, I thank it every time I take
Zgubim se v zvezdah k noc me objame
I get lost in the stars when the night embraces me
Nocem ne dnarja, nism v igri zard te fame
I don't want the money, I'm not in the game for the fame
Sam da ustvarjam to kar vrjamem sam to je zame
Just to create what I believe in, that's what it's all about for me
Vesolje podarja jst se zahvalm skoz k uzamem
The universe gives, I thank it every time I take
Zgubim se v zvezdah k noc me objame
I get lost in the stars when the night embraces me
Ves da mam smek in da vedno je flex
You know I got style and it's always flex
Sipam da jack in ga pijem na ex
I pour the Jack and drink it to my ex
Pijem za brate pijem za hood
I drink for my brothers, I drink for the hood
Pijem za muzko za vsak money move
I drink for the music, for every money move
Pijem za dneve k nism meu eura
I drink for the days when I didn't have a euro
Pijem za sanje da zrastu bom v fevda
I drink for the dream of growing into a feud
Eno zeleu da da se mi izpolne
One wish that I want to come true
Da lahko vrnem mamine solze
To be able to repay my mother's tears
Noci so dolge ulce se daljse
The nights are long, the streets are longer
Placam to ceno ker delam kar pase
I pay the price because I do what I like
Pa se vprasam a bi blo lazje
And I ask myself if it would be easier
Na drugi poti sam cajt vse pokaze
On a different path, but time will tell
Jst ti bom reku ti pa poslusi
I'll tell you, and you listen
Nehi to delat ce delas si nusmi
Stop doing it if you're doing it half-heartedly
Zmeri zapomn vedno odpusti
Always remember, always forgive
Vse se zacne in konca se pr custvih
Everything begins and ends with feelings
Nocem ne dnarja, nism v igri zard te fame
I don't want the money, I'm not in the game for the fame
Sam da ustvarjam to kar vrjamem sam to je zame
Just to create what I believe in, that's what it's all about for me
Vesolje podarja jst se zahvalm skoz k uzamem
The universe gives, I thank it every time I take
Zgubim se v zvezdah k noc me objame
I get lost in the stars when the night embraces me
Nocem ne dnarja, nism v igri zard te fame
I don't want the money, I'm not in the game for the fame
Sam da ustvarjam to kar vrjamem sam to je zame
Just to create what I believe in, that's what it's all about for me
Vesolje podarja jst se zahvalm skoz k uzamem
The universe gives, I thank it every time I take
Zgubim se v zvezdah k noc me objame
I get lost in the stars when the night embraces me
Za brate iz hooda tale je vasa
For the brothers from the hood, this one's yours
Skupi boril se skupi gor rastl
We fought together, we grew up together
Tud ce zgubil se skoz smo se nasl
Even if we got lost, we always found each other
To je ns lajf brt to je ns hustle
This is our life, bro, this is our hustle

Writer(s): Dejan Djurdjević

Dwon - Moj Hustle - Single
Moj Hustle - Single
date of release

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