2americani - BTS - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation 2americani - BTS

Banii te schimba
Money changes you
Vorba se plimba
Words get around
Banii vorbesc mult fara sa aibe limba
Money talks a lot without a tongue
Banii vorbesc ca le place sa minta
Money talks because it loves to lie
Cad filele din calendar
Pages fall from the calendar
Daca Timpul e pe bani ma fac Ceasornicar
If Time is money, make me a Watchmaker
Mi-e frig de la gheata din numerar
Ice from my digits makes me shiver
Banii astia nu-s nimic ca golul din buzunar
Cash like this is nothing but empty pockets
Viitorul incepe azi cu painea noastra cea de totate
The future begins today with our daily bread
Zilele ma iarta tata pentru ce-o sa fac la noapte
Days forgive me, father, for what I'm gonna do tonight
Faca se voia mea acum si maine
Let my will be done now and tomorrow
Fac Circ pentru paine vand arta pe bani
I make a Circus for bread, art for money
Banii te schimba
Money changes you
Vorba se plimba
Words get around
Banii vorbesc mult fara sa aibe limba
Money talks a lot without a tongue
Banii vorbesc ca le place sa minta
Money talks because it loves to lie
Hey bro si stii si tu nu-i ok Smti ca-i gresit sa fi dispus sa faci orice pentru ei Da cineva a Zis ca banii fac Pamantu' sa se-nvarta Io spun ca n-a exista minciuna mai scumpa Costa Timp costa nervi costa munca Costa prieteni si d-aia strada e stramba Arunci o suta intre Betoane si ai o Jungla
Hey bro, listen, you know it's not okay It feels wrong to do anything for them But somebody said that money makes the World go round I'm saying there's no lie more expensive It costs Time, it costs nerves, it costs work It costs friends and that's why the block is crooked Throw a hundred into the concrete and you've got a Jungle
Plina de animale gata sa te vanda
Full of animals ready to sell you out
Banii te schimba
Money changes you
Vorba se plimba
Words get around
Banii vorbesc mult fara sa aibe limba
Money talks a lot without a tongue
Banii vorbesc ca le place sa minta
Money talks because it loves to lie
Fa bani
Make money
Fara numar
Dar aminteste-ti ca-s doar un numar
But remember, it's just a number

Writer(s): Catalin Guta

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