615 - Lurkin - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 615 - Lurkin

Nagu mu kõht ja mitte sellepärast, et pehme
Your stomach's soft like mine, but I do not eat
Paras maiasmokk ikka kommionuga kehkleb
Greedy little piglet you are, with a sweet tooth
Lõvilakka ehtivasse kolmnurksesse templisse
To the triangular temple adorned with lion's paws
Sahistab nädalaga vihma, läheb vehklemiseks
The rain whispers for a week, then it's time to fence
Kombed pole kiita, puud jäid panemata riita
Manners are not to be praised, the trees were not put in order
Selle kõige kõrval tõmbasin käima veel ka muruniitja
On top of all that, I also started the lawnmower
Sest muidu on see lihtsalt tuim metallurgia
Because otherwise it's just dull metallurgy
Opereerides laiskust on vääega tegev turg jaa
Laziness is a very active market when you operate on it
Tuleb pista nii, et tuline ja veri mööda ilma
You have to stab so that the blood flows all over the place
A ikka õigesse, muidu skalpell otse silma
But in the right place, or the scalpel will go straight into your eye
Eukalüptipuust peitu ehku looduskaitsealal
Hidden in an eucalyptus tree, perhaps in a nature reserve
Maailmapäästmine ja ühtäkki olemegi pandad
Saving the world and suddenly we are pandas
Paaritumise asemel tahaks teistel molli anda
Instead of mating, I want to give others the blues
Need siin on rauast munandid
These are balls of steel
Woof woof woof woof madafaka
Woof woof woof woof motherfucker
Nagu Kraff ja Kose ütsivad:
As Kraff and Kose say:
"Uut mängu ei saa, nii et täringud veerevad"
""You can't get a new game, so the dice keep rolling""
A mida sa nussid taga, ta pidavat pussitama
But what are you fumbling with back there, he's supposed to be stabbing
Kuni käsi väsib ja lõpuks tõmbab litaka kurikaga
Until your hand gets tired and finally pulls the bitch with a knife
Et asi oleks huvitavam, sädemed ja tuli taga
To make things more interesting, sparks and fire behind you
Mardikas ja Kose, jah me tulime Tulikaga
Mardikas and Kose, yes we came with the Fire
Külm arve kuradi sulid nagad
Cold bill, damn naked devils
Joindid on rullitavad, bongid mullitavad
Joints are rolled, bongs bubble
Blub blublub
Blub blublub
Iseenesest tekib mõte, mis täidab tühja auku
In itself, a thought arises that fills an empty void
Mõni neist jääb soiku, teine lööb su maailma rappu
Some of them get bogged down, others rock your world
Pakuks protsentuaalseid suhteid, sestap küllap küsiks mult neid
I would offer percentage ratios, but I guess you would ask me for them
Kahjuks pettud, kuuldes igaühel omamoodi leid
Unfortunately disappointed, hearing each one find his own way
Silmakirjuta ilma hirmuta, kui sa voolid neid
Be a hypocrite without fear, if you do them
Kindlalt viruta kõik kaasa, nagu Pärna hoovi reid
Definitely take everything with you, like the raid on Pärna's yard
Kooliteid käid kuid nädalaid kuid ma ei tunne vaid
You walk school paths but weeks but I don't know only
Teoorias, kus on eufooria, kus on Euraasia
In theory, where is euphoria, where is Eurasia
Kas sa üldse saad sellistest asjadest aru
Do you even understand such things
Aru ma ei saa
I do not understand

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