A-Do - T恤好漢 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation A-Do - T恤好漢

T-shirt Hero
人前人後 上班下班 上山下山
In front of others, behind others, at work or at home, on the way up or on the way down
九九 八十 一關
Ninety-nine, eighty, one level
怎麽選擇 怎麽轉彎 在這時代
How do I choose, which way do I turn in this era?
哪有 一步 簡單
There is no easy
風風光光 高高低低 平平淡淡
Magnificent and luxurious, high and low, ordinary and plain
都是 外在 自知 冷暖
They're all external, self-knowledge
有苦就嘗 有錯就擔 不然呢 怎麽辦
If there is bitterness, then taste it, if there is wrong, then bear it. Otherwise, what can you do?
Everyone is the same
Bittersweet and sour
各一半 吞下就是好漢
Each half is swallowed, that's a hero
薪柴點燃 吃一口安心飯
The firewood is lit, eat a meal with peace of mind
燈火闌珊 還有人說晚安
The lights are dim, and someone still says good night
就是圓滿 不管你是 國王流浪漢
That's perfect, no matter if you're a king or a homeless
地鐵站 穿T恤的好漢
At the subway station, a hero in a T-shirt
不慌不亂 單挑人生的難
Unhurried and calm, fighting alone against the difficulties of life
故事好壞 不活給別人看
A good or bad story, not living for others
值得去愛 用盡所有力氣 的平凡
Worthy of love, using all my strength, the ordinary
人前人後 上班下班 上山下山
In front of others, behind others, at work or at home, on the way up or on the way down
九九 八十 一關
Ninety-nine, eighty, one level
怎麽選擇 怎麽轉彎 在這時代
How do I choose, which way do I turn in this era?
哪有 一步 簡單
There is no easy
風風光光 高高低低 平平淡淡
Magnificent and luxurious, high and low, ordinary and plain
都是 外在 自知 冷暖
They're all external, self-knowledge
有苦就嘗 有錯就擔 不然呢 怎麽辦
If there is bitterness, then taste it, if there is wrong, then bear it. Otherwise, what can you do?
Everyone is the same
Bittersweet and sour
各一半 吞下就是好漢
Each half is swallowed, that's a hero
薪柴點燃 吃一口安心飯
The firewood is lit, eat a meal with peace of mind
燈火闌珊 還有人說晚安
The lights are dim, and someone still says good night
就是圓滿 不管你是 國王流浪漢
That's perfect, no matter if you're a king or a homeless
地鐵站 穿T恤的好漢
At the subway station, a hero in a T-shirt
不慌不亂 單挑人生的難
Unhurried and calm, fighting alone against the difficulties of life
故事好壞 不活給別人看
A good or bad story, not living for others
值得去愛 用盡所有力氣 的平凡
Worthy of love, using all my strength, the ordinary
小販在街邊 捏一把零錢
Street vendors pinching a handful of change
晚歸的父親 匆忙又疲倦
A late father, hurriedly tired
孩子的睡臉 末班的地鐵
A child's sleeping face, the last train of the subway
這就是人間 最大的恩典
This is the greatest grace in life
人海中 哪個不是好漢
In the sea of people, who is not a hero?
不慌不亂 單挑人生的難
Unhurried and calm, fighting alone against the difficulties of life
故事好壞 只活給自己看
A good or bad story, only live for yourself
值得去愛 用盡所有力氣 的平凡
Worthy of love, using all my strength, the ordinary

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