ACA LUKAS - Nisam Preživeo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation ACA LUKAS - Nisam Preživeo

Nisam Preživeo
I Didn't Survive
Nedelja 28. avgust
Sunday, August 28th
Petnaest časova i trideset minuta
3:30 PM
Vreme u gradu sunčano i toplo
Weather in the city is sunny and warm
Saobračaj gust i otežan
Traffic is heavy and slow
Ekipa radija "Ljubav" želi vam prijatan dan
The "Ljubav" radio team wishes you a pleasant day
Naočare crne
Black sunglasses
U džepu beli cvet
A white flower in my pocket
I oproštajno pismo
And a farewell letter
Znam ga napamet
I know it by heart
U obe ruke sveće
Candles in both hands
U oku suza sja
Tears shine in my eyes
Neko mi je umro
Someone died on me
Taj neko sam ja
That someone is me
Nisam preživeo neverstvo tvoje
I didn't survive your infidelity
Da neko ima ono što je moje
That someone else has what's mine
O, zar se tvoje telo dira
Oh, does your body touch
Tuđim rukama
With alien hands
Nisam preživeo to što si lepa
I didn't survive the fact that you're beautiful
Još lepša nego što si sa mnom bila
Even more beautiful than you were with me
O, zar se tvoje usne ljube
Oh, do your lips kiss
Tuđim usnama
With alien lips
Umro sam za tobom
I died for you
Umro sam, ti nisi
I died, but you didn't
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
A oko mene ima hiljadu razloga
But around me there are a thousand reasons
Da opet budem živ
To be alive again
I budem veseo
And be happy
Devojke u haljinama crvenim šetaju
Girls in red dresses walk
I ptice pevaju
And birds sing
Meni svi smetaju
Everyone bothers me
Venac od lovora bacam niz reku
I throw a laurel wreath into the river
Za ljubav najveću u ovom veku
For the greatest love in this century
O, zar se tvoje telo dira
Oh, does your body touch
Tuđim rukama
With alien hands
Nisam preživeo to što si lepa
I didn't survive the fact that you're beautiful
Još lepša nego što si samnom bila
Even more beautiful than you were with me
O, zar se tvoje usne ljube
Oh, do your lips kiss
Tuđim usnama
With alien lips
Umro sam za tobom
I died for you
Umro sam, ti nisi
I died, but you didn't
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
Za mnom plakala
Cry for me
A oko mene ima hiljadu razloga
But around me there are a thousand reasons
Da opet budem živ
To be alive again
I budem veseo
And be happy
Devojke u haljinama crvenim šetaju
Girls in red dresses walk
I ptice pevaju
And birds sing
Meni svi smetaju
Everyone bothers me
Meni svi smetaju
Everyone bothers me
Meni svi smetaju
Everyone bothers me

Writer(s): Marina Tucakovic

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