AK-69 - C・H・A・B・A・N - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation AK-69 - C・H・A・B・A・N

泣いとる人 笑っとる人 世にひしめく様Rolling Stones
You cry, you laugh, you swarm, like the Rolling Stones
描く人に ぶっ壊す人 雨の日も... 風の日も...
Artists and destroyers, come rain or shine...
反感買ってもこく上等 門をたたくHIP HOP道場
Despite the backlash, we're here at the HIP HOP dojo
何が嘘で何が本当 当ててくれんかや? ジュセリーノ
What's real, what's not? Can you tell me, my Juliana?
あの娘にとっては彼氏はCool でも奴に言わせりゃただのカス
To her, he's the coolest, but to him, he's just trash
今日もタブー 包み隠す BXXXh頂くて何日分
Today's taboos, I'll unveil, BXXXh, how many days will it last?
ランデブー ハネムーン おい! どっちでもいいて そんな気分
Rendezvous, honeymoon, whatever, I'm in the mood
見えてますか? 幸せと自分 茶番じゃ 期待出来ねぇ取り分
Can you see? Happiness and I are a farce, no share in this deal
C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番 口達者 Jump around 自称一応No.1
C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce, you're a smooth talker, jumping around, claiming to be No.1
Let me hear say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
Let me hear you say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
とんちん かんちん 調子いい C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番じゃイカン
Nonsense, gibberish, you're in tune, C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce won't do
どうでもええが あんたなんだ? 打算が絡むなんだかんだ
Who cares who you are? You're nothing but selfishness, come what may
コメツキバッタ PXXXyハンター 全て損得 下す判断
Fire beetle, PXXXy hunter, all about the profit, the judgment you make
気は小っちぇーが 態度XL 但し 格下の前限定
Small-minded, but your attitude is XL, only among those below you
だが権力者の前ではぺーぺー おべっかばかりの口がクセー
But before the powerful, you're a yes-man, your flattery is sickening
勘違いならばお手のモノ スキル、人気その他 諸々
If it's a misunderstanding, you're the expert, skills, popularity, and all the rest
「俺のファンの数何万人」 けどオファーは来ねぇ今日この頃
"My fans are in the millions," but no one's calling, nowadays
Play 製作もでっち上げ オメーが誇れるモノってなんだっけ?
Play production, all a fabrication, what can you truly take pride in?
Ha? 187 Go to heaven 茶番が大方 あんたの成分
Ha? 187 Go to heaven, a farce is the essence of you
C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番 口達者 Jump around 自称一応No.1
C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce, you're a smooth talker, jumping around, claiming to be No.1
Let me hear say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
Let me hear you say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
とんちん かんちん 調子いい C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番じゃイカン
Nonsense, gibberish, you're in tune, C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce won't do
車、音楽、メシに雑学 なんでも詳しいフリをする
Cars, music, food, and trivia, you pretend to know it all
浅いとにかく 受け売り文句 後輩すでに話はスルー
Shallow as a puddle, your borrowed phrases, your juniors are already ignoring you
最近なんだかエコブーム とか言いつつポイ捨てする夫婦
Lately, it's all about being eco-friendly, but the couple littering as they say it
自慢気に持ったエコBag ほらファッション感覚ならFool
Proudly holding an eco-bag, but if it's just a fashion statement, you're a fool
俺に喋ってた あいつ嫌い 根性無しだの言いたい放題
You were talking to me, badmouthing that guy, saying he's got no guts
あぁ確かにな 否定はしないけどオメーよりは入っとるて気合い
Yeah, I won't deny it, but you're not the one to talk, you're even less motivated
一触即発 そんな状態でも会ったら笑顔で「Yo、兄弟!」
On the verge of a fight, but when we meet, it's "Yo, brother!" with a smile
これが普通だで ようわからん 俺も飲み込まれてゆく茶番
This is the norm here, I don't get it, I'm being consumed by this farce
C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番 口達者 Jump around 自称一応No.1
C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce, you're a smooth talker, jumping around, claiming to be No.1
Let me hear say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
Let me hear you say Bumpin' Jumpin' Dropin' shit
とんちん かんちん 調子いい C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番じゃイカン
Nonsense, gibberish, you're in tune, C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce won't do
C・H・A to B・A・N 茶番...
C・H・A to B・A・N, a farce...

Writer(s): Knock, Ak-69, ak−69, knock

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