AMINUX - Samhili - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation AMINUX - Samhili

شوقي . اسّمحيلي
My love. Forgive me
اسّمحيلي ...
Forgive me ...
و لا تلوميني
And do not blame me
و اعّذري احوالي مين ڨلتلك نبغيك
And excuse my condition since I told you I need you
و الله أنا ...
And by God I ...
مكتوب عليّا
It is written on me
فراقك انتي و الفراق صعيب
Your separation and separation is difficult
يانا والله ...
Oh my God ...
و ماذا بيّا
What am I to do
تنسيني définitive
Forget me définitivement
و اللّي في ڨلبي ...
And what is in my heart ...
الدّاري ربّي
My Lord knows
و ماذا بيّا أنا معاك نعيش
And what am I with you to live
تكوني ليّا ...
To be mine ...
ما بين ايديّا
In my hands
تتونّسي بيّا و انا نتونّس بيك
Forget with me and I will have fun with you
سبابي الدّنيا ...
The reason for the world ...
لعبتها بيّا
Played with me
و ماشي انتي la victime
And you are not la victime
لوكان بإيديّا ...
If it was in my hands ...
نهديلك عمري انا بحار عليّا
I would dedicate my life to you, I am a sea upon it
و اللّي حلمتي بيه
And what you dreamed of
محال يكون بعيد عليّا
It is impossible to be far from me
و اللّي فات عليك
And what you missed out on
نقسم بالله ياو فات عليّا
I swear to God passed me by
ياو غير ما تبكيش
Oh, just don't cry
و ما تڨوليش الغدرة بيّا
And don't say the treachery is with me
يا معاك انتيّا
Oh with you
وينهم ذوك الاوقات
Where are those times
بزّاف عليّا
Too much on me
و منّك انا ڨلبي مات
And my heart died from you
يا معاك انتيّا، انتيّا، انتيّا
Oh, with you, you, you
يا وينهم ذوك الاوقات
Oh, where are those times
يا و بزّاف عليّا
Oh, and it's too much on me
و منّك انا ڨلبي مات
And my heart died from you
ما تولّي ليّا
Don't come back to me
يانا ما نولّي ليك
Oh, I will not come back to you
يا و نبرا مالكيّة
Oh, and I do not own you
و فراقك définitive
And your separation is définitive
يا انت كي كنتي
Oh, who you were
و كي ولّيتي
And who you have become
و حسبتي حبّنا لعبة لعبتي بيه
And you thought our love was a game you played with
و نسيتي الدّنيا
And you forgot the world
لعبة فانية
A fleeting game
كاين الرّابح و الخاسر فيه
There is a winner and a loser in it
لعبتي بيّا ...
You played with me ...
و ربّي داري
And my Lord knows
ڨلبك ثاني لعبتي بيه
You played with my heart again
يا اسّمحيلي
Oh, forgive me
و ما تولّيلي
And don't come back to me
و هذا كلامي اللخّر من عندي ليك
And this is my last word from me to you
كتبتو بايديّا
I wrote it with my hand
و ليك هديّة
And a gift for you
خايف نشوف دمعة عينيك
I'm afraid to see the tears in your eyes
ابكات عينيّا ...
She made my eyes cry ...
عليك انتيّا
On you
و انتي بيّا ما حسّيتيش
And you did not feel it with me
يا الكاوي ڨلبي
Oh, you who burn my heart
حالف منّك ما نزيد
I swear I will never do it again
ما نسيت اللّي صرى فيّا
I did not forget what happened to me
و الله أنا ما نسيت
By God, I did not forget
و اللّي فات عليّا
And what happened to me
نقسم بالله ما فات عليك
I swear to God it did not happen to you
يا و نارك مڨديّة
Oh, and your fire is extinguished
و اللّي درتيه حرام عليك
And what you did was forbidden to you.
سبحان الخالق
Glory be to the Creator
و مغيّر الاحوال
And the changer of conditions
كي ولّيت نعشق انا
When I started to love
و انتيّا عشقك هبال
And your love is madness
سبحان الخالق
Glory be to the Creator
يا مغيّر الاحوال
Oh, the changer of conditions
كي ولّيت نعشق
When I started to love
و انتيّا عشقك هبال
And your love is madness
ماهيشي فيّا la faute
It is not my fault
ماهيشي فيك
It's not in you
يا و مكتوب عليّا
Oh, and it is written on me
فراقك définitive
Your separation is définitive

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