Abde feat. Amco - Tinder - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Abde feat. Amco - Tinder

Přehrává záznam
Playing the record
Hledí do prázdna
Stare into space
Hledá tam vás dva
Looking for you two there
Blázen - dokola - furt - láska
Crazy - around - still - love
Ty nepíšeš zpátky
You don't text her back
nepíšeš vůbec
You don't text her at all
Další princezny zámky - pitomý řádky a lacinej úlet
Another princess castle - stupid lines and cheap thrill
Byla pro tebe jen další swipe na tindru
She was just another swipe for you on tinder
Kamarádkám psala, že jste zažili top večer
She wrote to her friends that you had a top evening
Ony znaj taky hru
They know the game too
Kterou si s hrál, teď potkávají brečet
That you played with her, now they see her cry
Byla pro tebe jen další swipe na tindru
She was just another swipe for you on tinder
Sebral jsi křídla, hned jak naučils letět
You took her wings as soon as you taught her to fly
Jenom swipe na tindru
Just a swipe on tinder
Žádná zmínka o ní, ani ve vedlejší větě.
No mention of her, not even in a side sentence.
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance
Pro tebe jen
For you only
Další noc
Another night
Další swipe
Another swipe
Další sex
Another sex
Další hou, kterou vidíš nahou
Another whore that you see naked
Třeba to bude láska
Maybe it will be love
Nebo pixelová nadsázka
Or a pixelated exaggeration
Možná víš
Maybe you know
Tyhle songy fakt nesnášim
I really hate these songs
Možná víš
Maybe you know
Jaký je cejtit podnutí nože
What it's like to feel the inspiration of a knife
Všechen ten hněv tak nech to hořet
All that anger so let it burn
Pomůže tinder a nebo smaže
Will tinder help or will it delete you
Ty chceš budoucnost on zas dveře
You want the future, he wants the door
Všechno hezký je pryč
Everything nice is gone
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance
Vím, že neseš to těžce
I know you're taking it hard
Že si tady na to sama
That you're here all alone
Vím, že neseš to těžce
I know you're taking it hard
Že to byla lekce, co naučila padat
That it was a lesson that taught you to fall
Žádnej direct, holky - který daj hned
No direct, girls - who give it right away
Se ti smějou, ale věříš, že ho jednou najdeš
They laugh at you, but you believe that you will find him one day
Nebo on najde,
Or he will find you,
Nebo on najde
Or he will find you
Přestala jsi navždy hledat hype na tindru
You stopped looking for hype on tinder forever
A pochopila že to asi není tvoje cesta
And realized that it's probably not your way
Nechceš hrát taky hru
You don't want to play the game too
Pózovat tak levně, jak ty jiný holky z města.
To pose so cheaply, like those other girls from the city.
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Chycená - hledá tebe
Trapped - looking for you
V síti projíždí timeline
Scrolling through the timeline on the net
Je zblázněná - čeká v dálce na tebe
She's crazy - waiting for you in the distance

Writer(s): Abde & Amco

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