Ados - My House - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Ados - My House

My House
My House
Open up the champagne, pop!
Open up the champagne, pop!
Yani şarkı sözleri: Şampanya, pop aç!
So the lyrics are: Champagne, pop open!
It's my house, come on, turn it up
It's my house, come on, turn it up
Yani şarkı sözleri: Burası benim evim, Hadi, sesi
So the lyrics are: This is my house, Come on, turn up the volume
Hear a knock on the door and the night begins
Hear a knock on the door and the night begins
Yani şarkı sözleri: Kapıda bir vuruş duymak ve gece başlar
So lyrics: Hear a knock at the door and the night begins
'Cause we done this before so you come on in
'Cause we did this before so you come on in
Yani şarkı sözleri: Çünkü biz çok içeri gel önce bu yapılır
So the lyrics are: Because we come in a lot before this is done
Make yourself at my home, tell me where you been
Make yourself at my home, tell me where you've been
Yani şarkı sözleri: Benim evde yara, söyle nereye sen be
So the lyrics are: Wound up in my house, tell me where are you
Pour yourself something cold, baby, cheers to this
Pour yourself something cold, baby, cheers to this
Yani şarkı sözleri: Kendine bir şey soğuk, bebeğim, şerefine bu koy
Something cold to yourself, baby, put this in your honor
Sometimes you gotta stay in
Sometimes you gotta stay in
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bazen içinde kalmalısın
Lyrics to the song: Sometimes you have to stay in it
And you know where I live
And you know where I live
Yani şarkı sözleri: Ve nerede yaşadığımı biliyor
And he knows where I live
Yeah, you know what we is
Yeah, you know what we are
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evet, biliyor musun biz
So the lyrics are: Yes, you know we
Sometimes you gotta stay in, in
Sometimes you gotta stay in, in
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bazen, olarak kalman lazım
So the lyrics are: Sometimes, you have to stay as
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Baby take control now
Baby take control now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bebek kontrol Şimdi
So lyrics to the song: Baby Check Now
We can't even slow down
We can't even slow down
Yani şarkı sözleri: Biz bile yavaş olamaz
So the lyrics are: We can't even slow down
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Play that music too loud
Play that music too loud
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bu müzik çok yüksek sesle çalmak
So lyrics: Play this music very loudly
Show me what you do now
Show me what you do now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bana şimdi ne göster
So the lyrics are: Show me what now
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Morning comes and you know that you wanna stay
Morning comes and you know that you wanna stay
Yani şarkı sözleri: Sabah olacak ve kalmak istediğini biliyorum
It's going to be morning and I know you want to stay
Close the blinds, let's pretend that the time has changed
Close the blinds, let's pretend that the time has changed
Yani şarkı sözleri: Kapat şu perdeyi, zaman değişti farz edelim
So the lyrics are: Close this curtain, let's pretend times have changed
Keep our clothes on the floor, open up champagne
Keep our clothes on the floor, open up champagne
Yani şarkı sözleri: Giysilerimizi yerde tutmak, şampanyayı
So the lyrics are: Keeping our clothes on the floor, open the champagne
Let's continue tonight, come on, celebrate
Let's continue tonight, come on, celebrate
Yani şarkı sözleri: Hadi bu gece devam, Hadi kutlamak
So the lyrics are: Let's continue tonight, let's celebrate
Sometimes you gotta stay in
Sometimes you gotta stay in
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bazen içinde kalmalısın
Lyrics to the song: Sometimes you have to stay in it
And you know where I live
And you know where I live
Yani şarkı sözleri: Ve nerede yaşadığımı biliyor
And he knows where I live
Yeah, you know what we is
Yeah, you know what we are
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evet, biliyor musun biz
So the lyrics are: Yes, you know we
Sometimes you gotta stay in, in
Sometimes you gotta stay in, in
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bazen, olarak kalman lazım
So the lyrics are: Sometimes, you have to stay as
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Baby take control now
Baby take control now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bebek kontrol Şimdi
So lyrics to the song: Baby Check Now
We can't even slow down
We can't even slow down
Yani şarkı sözleri: Biz bile yavaş olamaz
So the lyrics are: We can't even slow down
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Play that music too loud
Play that music too loud
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bu müzik çok yüksek sesle çalmak
So lyrics: Play this music very loudly
Show me what you do now
Show me what you do now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bana şimdi ne göster
So the lyrics are: Show me what now
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Welcome to my? off the crib, the spot, the pad
Welcome to my? off the crib, the spot, the pad
Yani şarkı sözleri: Hoşgeldiniz benim?
So the lyrics are: Welcome my?
Beşik, spot, belgili tanımlık yastık
Crib, spotlight, the pillow
But my house is your house if you throwin' it back
But my house is your house if you throw'it back
Yani şarkı sözleri: Ama eğer o herif geri benim evim senin evin
But if that guy comes back, my house is your house
Excuse me if my home drainin' the sad
Excuse me if my home drains' the sad
Yani şarkı sözleri: Eğer izin üzgün drainin'benim evim
So lyrics: If you let me sad drainin' my house
Soon as these happy faces lay you can run with the cash
Soon as these happy faces lay you can run with the cash
Yani şarkı sözleri:
So the lyrics are:
Sen-ebilmek koşmak parayla lay en kısa zamanda bu mutlu yüzler
You can run with the money lay as soon as these happy faces
Homerun, slam dunk, touchdown, pass
Homerun, slam dunk, touchdown, pass
Yani şarkı sözleri: HomeRun, slam dunk, gol, pass
Lyrics: HomeRun, slam dunk, goal, pass
Mi casa es tu casa so it ain't no holding back
Mi casa es tu casa so it ain't no holding back
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bu yüzden hiçbir engel Mi casa es tu casa
That's why there are no obstacles Mi casa es tu casa
Another shot of vodka, you know what's in my glass
Another shot of vodka, you know what's in my glass
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bir tane daha votka vurdu, Bardağımda ne biliyor
So lyrics: One more shot of vodka, What does he know in my glass
It's my house, just relax
It's my house, just relax
Yani şarkı sözleri: Burası benim evim, sakin ol
So the lyrics are: This is my house, calm down
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Baby take control now
Baby take control now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bebek kontrol Şimdi
So lyrics to the song: Baby Check Now
We can't even slow down
We can't even slow down
Yani şarkı sözleri: Biz bile yavaş olamaz
So the lyrics are: We can't even slow down
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Play that music too loud
Play that music too loud
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bu müzik çok yüksek sesle çalmak
So lyrics: Play this music very loudly
Show me what you do now
Show me what you do now
Yani şarkı sözleri: Bana şimdi ne göster
So the lyrics are: Show me what now
We don't like to go out
We don't like to go out
Yani şarkı sözleri: Dışarı çıkmak hoşumuza gitmez
So the lyrics are: We don't like to go out
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
It's my house
It's my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Burası benim evim
Lyrics to the song: This is my home
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Evime hoş geldin
Lyrics to the song: Welcome to my house
It's my house
It's my house
Yani şarkı sözleri: Burası benim evim
Lyrics to the song: This is my home

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