Agostinho Dos Santos - Espera - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Agostinho Dos Santos - Espera

O relógio bateu nove horas
The clock struck nine
Eu ainda esperava por ela
I was still waiting for her
Deu dez horas, bateu novamente
Ten o'clock came, it struck again
E eu ainda esperando, esperando
And I was still waiting, waiting
Esperando bater na porta
Waiting to knock on the door
Calada, fechada, o alô costumeiro
Silent, closed, the usual hello
O sorriso brejeiro do bem que não veio
The mischievous smile of the good that didn't come
A lua sumiu, o sol despontou
The moon disappeared, the sun rose
Por entre fumaça, meu sono chegou
Through the haze, my sleep came
Sonhei coisas lindas, sonhei que ela veio
I dreamed beautiful things, I dreamed she came
E eu descansava feliz, feliz em seu seio
And I rested happily, happily in her bosom
Foi então que acordei assustado
That's when I woke up scared
E confesso, de mim tive
And I confess, I felt sorry for myself
Compreendi que era outro dia
I understood that it was already another day
Meu sonho terminara e eu estava
My dream was over and I was alone
Meu sonho terminara e eu estava
My dream was over and I was alone

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